2nd Bill Filed Requiring Fluoride Removal From Tennessee Water Supply

2nd Bill Filed Requiring Fluoride Removal From Tennessee Water Supply

2nd Bill Filed Requiring Fluoride Removal From Tennessee Water Supply

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

Republican Senator Rusty Crowe (Dist. 3- Johnson City) and conservative Representative Chris Todd (R-Dist. 73- Madison County) have joined forces to sponsor a bill which would not only increase water testing standards for fluoride, but require its complete removal from the public water supply.

SB1141/HB0897 would firstly reduce the amount of allowable detectable fluoride in quarterly analysis of public water systems from 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to .4 mg/L. This alone would be a reduction of approximately 73% in the amount of allowable fluoride in the public water supply.

Should the sample exceed the new lower amount, the procedures outlined in the current law requiring monthly testing and notification to customers of elevated levels would still apply.

It keeps the existing provision that once the monthly tests confirm the chemical’s level has decreased under the .4 mg/L threshold, the department may return to quarterly analysis. This requirement would not prohibit levels of naturally occurring fluoride, but instead refers to amounts chemically added to supplies.

The legislation would also mandate that any public water systems fluoridating their supplies on May 1, 2025 would have until July 31, 2025 to, “Cease the addition of fluoride or fluoride compounds to the water supply.” 

Finally, it would add a subsection to TCA 68-221-711 that would make, “The addition of fluoride, or a fluoride compound, to the public drinking water supply by the operator of a water supply system in the state,” a prohibited action, further ensuring utility districts could not resort to fluoride usage.

Fluoride removal continues to grow as a mainstream issue as health concerns and safety are prompting many utility districts, not only in Tennessee, but across the nation to reevaluate their fluoride chemical practices.

One such example is Lee County in Florida, whose officials unanimously voted to defluoridate, citing the chemical as “an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.”

This is also not the first piece of legislation on the topic of defluoridation in Tennessee this session, as Senator Joey Hensley (R-Dist.28- Hohenwald) is also sponsoring SB0162 which would make adding fluoride to “a public water system by the supplier of water who owns, operated, or controls the public water system,” a prohibited action.

Hensley’s SB0162 has passed on second consideration in the Senate and been referred to the Energy, Agriculture, and Natural Resources committee, though the bill does not yet appear on the committee calendar. 

Crowe and Todd’s bill was filed in the House on 2/4, then introduced and passed on first consideration on 2/5, while the Senate companion was filed on 2/6, with no further actions yet recorded as of this writing.

It is unknown if Sen. Crowe or Rep. Todd are aware of Hensley’s fluoride bill or if they have been in communication and Hensley intends to withdraw his. 

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at olivia@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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2 Responses

  1. “…make adding fluoride to “a public water system by the supplier of water who owns, operated, or controls the public water system,” a prohibited action.”

    Poisoning the public water supply is domestic terrorism, likely punishable by the (unconstitutional) “Patriot Act”. The bill should also target the other harmful ingredients, arsenic and lead, in the phosphorus fertilizer plant hazardous waste that public utilities dump in with their hydrofluorosilicic acid “fluoride”. Utilities add lead to the water supply and then survey their customers about who still has lead pipes and blame the lead on them and claim “we are below federal limits”.

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