Celebrate Life Event Scheduled In Lawrenceburg

Celebrate Life Event Scheduled In Lawrenceburg

Celebrate Life Event Scheduled In Lawrenceburg

Image Credit: Lawrence County Right to Life

The Lawrence County Chapter of Tennessee Right to Life will hold their Annual Celebrate Life event, Sunday, January 16th, 2022 at 2:00 pm (CT) at Sacred Heart School Gym, 220 Burger Street, Lawrenceburg, TN.

Event organizers state, “We would like to invite everyone to join us. Let us come together as Pro-Life citizens and show our support for the right to life of the unborn and for the sanctity of all human life.”

This year our Keynote Speaker will be JoAnne Beam, founder of the Life Choice Pregnancy Resource in Pulaski. JoAnne has been involved with the Pregnancy Centers in Pulaski since 1999. 

“Also, we will be honored to have Tiffany Husky from Hope Haven Pregnancy Center tell us about the new Pregnancy center in Lawrenceburg.  We will be having a baby shower for the Hope Haven Pregnancy Center at this event. Please bring items to help stock their baby boutique or monetary donation to help with their expenses,” said event organizers.  

Federal, state and county representatives will also be in attendance at the event.


The Lawrence County Right To Life states, “This January 23nd marks the 49th Anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all fifty states.  Since then more than 60 million abortions have destroyed the lives of innocent unborn children.  The mission of National Right to Life is to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every human being from the beginning of life to natural death.

Your help is needed in so many ways to turn the tide for life. Prayer is always needed-for the unborn, for their mothers facing difficult circumstances, for the protection of all life, and for all of us in the Right to Life movement.  Please join us and be a voice for the unborn and for the sanctity of life at all stages.”

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The Lawrence County Right to Life will have Pro-Life T-shirts available for sale $10 (short sleeve) and $15 (long sleeve) in a variety of colors and styles.  

For more information contact them at: 931-279-1704, Email: LawrenceCountyRTL@gmail.com, www.LawrenceCountyRightToLife.org, or Facebook: Lawrence County, TN Right to Life

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