5G Cell Tower Near Elementary School Sparks Concerns Among Citizens

Image Credit: Google Maps / John Stevenson

The Tennessee Conservative [By Rebecca Scott] –

The community surrounding a Williamson County elementary school is voicing concerns over a 5G cell tower recently placed near the school.

As the academic year was set to begin, a new cell tower was erected seemingly overnight at a distance of 587 feet from Trinity Elementary School.


While there is currently no solid data confirming or denying risks of being in close proximity to electromagnetic radiation, experts tend to agree that there is not enough research in place to make a confident, evidence-based recommendation.

Many community members are concerned about the potential health dangers to students attending a school with a tower placed so close to their building. A petition has now been signed by hundreds of citizens asking that the tower be moved to a distance of at least 1500 feet from the school.

Heather Bulan is one of the community members leading the charge to challenge the placement of the tower.

She contacted The Tennessee Conservative to raise awareness of the issues at hand. In a message to TTC, Bulan wrote, “Our local government hired a third-party company Vogue Towers, LLC to place 199ft monopole 5G cell towers at dozens of schools and parks……. they are choosing school sites because they are free, its county owned land.”

While Vogue Towers has conducted its own testing through a third-party consultant and determined the towers to be safe, the community is asking that a different third party, agreed upon by both Vogue and the community, be hired to perform further research. Parents are understandably uncomfortable with their children being the subjects of real time research into the long-term effects of cell tower radiation. Therefore, with the support of Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson, a petition for the relocation of the tower is being circulated amongst Tennessee residents.


A list of health concerns and research links are provided on the petition website in order to educate the public on the potential risks of 5G tower radiation including cancer, headaches, and sleep disorders, among many others.

To learn more or sign the petition, the following sites are available:



Rebecca Scott is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Rebecca at Rebecca@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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