Haile For Senate Campaign Begs For Help

Haile For Senate Campaign Begs For Help

Haile For Senate Campaign Begs For Help

Image Credit: @HaileforSenate / X & canva

Press Release-

HENDERSONVILLE, TN:  The Chris Spencer for State Senate Campaign has learned Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has been summoned to District 18 to prop up the failing campaign of three term State Senator Ferrell Haile.  As if a war chest of over $500,000 is not enough to save Haile’s “bacon”, the usual fundraising suspects have asked the Governor to come and breathe some life into Haile’s efforts. 

“We are stunned by this development, but in a good way,” remarked Republican challenger Chris Spencer.  “This tells us that our intuitions have been right all along, that Incumbency in Sumner County does not guarantee re-election.  Sumner Countians are paying close attention to the contrasts between me and my opponent, who has supported numerous initiatives inconsistent with Sumner County values.” 

Similar attempts were made more than a decade ago when then Republican House Caucus Chair Debra Maggart was being challenged by a virtually unknown Air Force veteran, Lt. Col. Courtney Rogers.  Like Haile, her campaign was floundering under the relentless person-to-person efforts of Rogers and her team.  The same usual fundraising suspects summoned Governor Bill Haslam (Twice), House speaker Beth Harwell and Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, to the county to no avail. 

Maggart’s massive war chest wilted quickly, even after arm-twisting dozens of her Republican House colleagues to “max out” to her campaign at the last minute, hoping to breathe some life into it.  Maggart eventually lost her primary by 16 points, winning only one precinct out of 19. 

Spencer concluded, “We are confident that the voters of Sumner County are intelligent enough to make up their own mind.  And we believe that when they become aware of the Real Ferrell Haile by looking at his voting record, bills he has sponsored and votes he has bailed on, they will realize that it is time for him to move along.”

Take at look at The Tennessee Conservative’s deep-dive into Ferrell Haile’s voting record HERE.

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