Illegal Alien With Previous Criminal History Hits, Kills Restaurant Owner After Dismissal Of Charges By Davidson County Judge

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Illegal Alien With Previous Criminal History Hits, Kills Restaurant Owner After Dismissal Of Charges By Davidson County Judge

Image Credit: & Smokin Thighs / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

A Nashville restaurant owner has been killed by two men in a hit and run in the parking lot of his popular Music City restaurant. 

The men it has been reported, are illegal aliens, who were arrested for theft in February, but all charges were dropped in March, leaving the men out and free to commit more crimes and ultimately kill 42-year-old Matt Carney in the parking lot of Smokin Thighs, Carney’s popular chicken restaurant and bar, on June 19th.

According to police, 29-year-old Ulises Raigoz-Martinez a Mexican national, struck Carney because Carney caught Martinez attempting to steal tools from Carney’s truck and confronted the man. 

Raigoz-Martinez has been has been charged with criminal homicide, tampering with evidence, vehicle theft, criminal impersonation, and evading arrest. 

Reports indicate that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has confirmed Raigoz-Martinez is what is called a “got away” who successfully crossed the United States-Mexico border without being detected by Border Patrol agents and subsequently made his way into the country. 

ICE provided a statement: “ERO New Orleans placed an immigration detainer on Ulises Raigoz-Martinez, 24, an unlawfully present Mexican citizen, following his arrest in Davidson County, Tennessee, for homicide, vehicle theft, and evading arrest on July 19,” an ICE official said. “Raigoza entered the United States on an unknown date and location, without being admitted or paroled by an immigration officer.”

The suspect has a relatively extensive criminal record. In March, Davidson County Judge Tim Todd reportedly dismissed three charges against the illegal alien.

The dismissal came after testimony from the investigator on the case, who stated that he witnessed Raigoz-Martinez and another man also found to be in the country illegally, stealing more than one vehicle as well as some tools from another vehicle.

The attorney for Raigoz-Martinez argued that despite investigator testimony and testimony of one of the owners of one of the vehicles stolen that day, judge Todd still concluded that there was no probable cause for pulling the suspects over and making an arrest. 

Because there was no detention in this case, Raigoz-Martinez was free to commit more crimes resulting in the death of a beloved business owner, husband and son. 

Carney was struck on June 19th and succumbed to his injuries on July 4th

Carney leaves behind his wife Molly, his parents Clifford Carney and Debra Taylor, his brother Adam Carney, sister Katelin Jeffers, step-brother Donald Hall, step-sister Kim Kuster, grandmother Patricia Carney, as well as several nieces and nephews.

His obituary describes him as a “joyful spirit” with a “loud laugh and his smile that lit up the room.”

“His friends knew him as the life of the party, with his positive attitude, jokes, and loyalty to those he loved,” the obituary reads. “He loved big. Matt was happiest when outside on his boat with friends and family, rock crawling in his KRX side by side, pushing dirt at Highwater or wrenching in the garage with his dog, Mr. Kitty.”

Aside from the fact that the criminal was allowed to walk free for crimes that are felonies in the state of Tennessee, the fact that he was here in the first place, can be laid at the feet of Biden Administration’s extremely lax border policies that are responsible for what is believed to be as many as 15 million illegal aliens in the United States, that hail from all over the world. 

Raigoz-Martinez remains in custody at the Nashville Downtown Detention Center. ICE officials have placed a detainer on him, requesting custody if he is released from jail at any time.

The Tennessee Conservative will continue to follow this case and report any developments as they emerge. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Tellerand is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at

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16 Responses

  1. Once again, kudos to Mr. Biden.
    How many of these getaways are committing criminal acts ?
    Deport them all.

  2. We need to thank the border czar for this. I also heard that she would like to shut down ICE. She and Joe should be charged as accomplices to murder.

  3. I am wondering if Judge Todd is up for “Retain or Replace” this ballot period. If so, I hope the word spreads of what he has done here.

    1. Don’t be silly Kji, that’s in Davidson County you’re talking about. Spread the word or keep it to yourself, just don’t live or own property in a community dominated by leftists.

      1. We must fight to save our communities, our cities and our Republic. I live in Davidson County and I am disgusted by what has happened to this city but I refuse to shy away from it. The light must shine in the darkness.

  4. Does this murdering judge even have a soul or a conscience ? Doesn’t ” Heels Up ” Harris or Biden even know they have murdered another poor innocent person ? I can’t believe any human being could sleep at night with all the blood on their hands . When will there be justice oh Lord , when ?

  5. How do you feel about your dismissal decision now Judge Todd? Blood on your soul.

  6. If we want to get these idiots out of office, participate in getting people registered to vote, not the illegals. Gun owners are a huge group who don’t vote. Get on it and help us get people to vote to clean out our state of the communists and deep state stooges.

  7. Release the criminal to the custody of the judge. Let the judge take the criminal home.

  8. I support a cash bounty dead or alive for all illegal aliens or aliens who have entered under special provisions of the criminal traitors Obama, Biden, Harris and collaborators and the death penalty for treasonous acts ,sedition and civil rights violations of citizens, by the insurrectionist democrats and their allies the Marxist, perverts, foreign enemies of the citizens of the USA ,both external and internal. They intentionally created the illegal invasion of foreign non citizens that has resulted in heinous murders, rapes, tens of thousands of lesser felony crimes and threaten to bankrupt our social service networks for citizens and our future elections destruction will be completed by the forces of suppression, oppression and intimidation and the world order(elitist Marxist masters and democrat leadership/partisans. This is the second time the democrat party has tried to destroy the USA by dividing the nation and creating chaos while exploiting hate and fear. No nation can stand without their sovereign borders and citizens rights first respected and secured! Enemies that would allow wholesale invasion over our borders by aliens are the enemies of freedom and our constitution , while disrespecting our founding fathers and our traditional moral and religious values this nation was founded on. “Benedict Arnold” Joe Biden and crew have all earned death or prison for life for their heinous crimes. Trials and convictions and harsh sentences must occur to preserve this nation and for justice and rule of law to be restored. All sympathizers with these traitors should pay a price as well and lose their rights till they prove their loyalty and sign oaths declaring loyalty to the Constitution and the rule of law, while accepting God’s sovereignty over our nation and people as the giver of our basic rights .

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