Image Credit: Knox County Sheriff’s Department & Canva
The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
Police in Knox County arrested an illegal alien on eight counts of reckless endangerment.
34-year-old Allen Gabriel Monterroso was arrested on December 2 and charged with eight counts of reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon involved.
Monterroso’s arrest came after he fired shots in the direction of police officers as they were attempting to detain suspects in connection with an earlier shooting that occurred at a mobile home park in Halls.
At the time of the arrest, it was unclear if Monterroso shooting towards police was related to the incident at the mobile home park.
He was given an $1000 bond on each count. However, jail records now show that Monterroso has an immigrant detainer hold.
He will be held in jail until he is released to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
An immigrant detainer most likely indicates that Monterroso is in the county illegally.
One Response
Thanx to lucifer’s dimmercraps and RINOs.