Bill Prohibiting Foreign Interference In Tennessee Elections Passes House (Update 3/29/22)

Bill Prohibiting Foreign Interference In Tennessee Elections Passes House

Bill Prohibiting Foreign Interference In Tennessee Elections Passes House (Update 3/29/22)

***Update 3/29/22 – The Senate State and Local Government Committee deferred action on the bill until March 29th, 2022. The article has been update to reflect this change.

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A bill that prohibits foreign interference in Tennessee elections passed overwhelmingly yesterday in the House, 94 to 0.

House Bill 2203 (HB2203), sponsored by Representative Chris Todd (R-Madison County-District 73) and Senate Bill 2643 (SB2643), sponsored by Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10),  as introduced, seeks to prohibit foreign nationals, corporations, and interest groups from interfering with state and local governmental affairs by financing certain political agendas, preferences, and activities that do not involve the election of an individual to a public office. 

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The bill was amended to read, “Prohibits a foreign national, foreign corporation, foreign charitable or nonprofit organization, foreign governmental entity or body, or foreign interest group from interfering with a federal, state, or local election, governmental entity, agency, or governing body by providing financial support for certain initiatives and referendums or through social media advertisements intended to disseminate disinformation.”


The Senate version of the bill is on Senate State and Local Government Committee‘s calendar for March 29th You can find the Republican members’ contact information below.

Senate State and Local Government Committee

Richard Briggs (Chair) – – (615) 741-1766

Todd Gardenhire (1st Vice-Chair) – – (615) 741-6682

Page Walley (2nd Vice-Chair) – – (615) 741-2368

Ed Jackson – – (615) 741-1810

Brian Kelsey – – (615) 741-3036

Bill Powers – – (615) 741-2374

Ken Yager – – (615) 741-1449

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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One Response

  1. Are these people joking??? How stupid do these legislators think we are. You really think that if you pass a bill that cheating at elections is going to stop?? These people are the stupid ones. They only to stop election fraud is to go TO TOTAL PAPER BALLET!!! With the gov. buying more Daminion machines that will never happen. Here again another waste of time and money passing something that will change nothing. In my county of Fentress there were hundreds of changed votes in the 2020 election.
    Until we go to paper ballets nothing is going to change

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