Illegal Alien Arrested For Especially Aggravated Kidnapping In Tennessee

Illegal Alien Arrested For Especially Aggravated Kidnapping In Tennessee

Illegal Alien Arrested For Especially Aggravated Kidnapping In Tennessee

Image Credit: Knox County Sheriff’s Office

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

An illegal alien in Knoxville is facing kidnapping charges after an incident involving a domestic dispute last month.

20-year-old Omar Armengol Cortes was taken into custody on August 26 following an intensive search by Knoxville Police.

According to incident reports, Cortes allegedly pushed his girlfriend from her car after they got into what was described as a violent argument that morning. He then drove off with her 4-year-old daughter still inside the car.

The vehicle and the child were later found abandoned but safe, and authorities continued their search for Cortes. He was later located near West Town Mall later that day.

He was taken into custody and charged with especially aggravated kidnapping. 

Knox County Inmate Records at the time show that Cortes had an immigration detainer hold, meaning he was in the country illegally.

The inmate registry also shows that Cortes was not the only illegal alien taken into custody around that time.

Records show that Francis Murillo was also arrested on August 26 in Knox County and charged with felony aggravated assault.

He also has an immigration detainer hold. He is currently scheduled for a preliminary hearing on September 16.

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