Metro Nashville Council Unenthusiastic About Possible 2028 GOP Convention After Voting Against Hosting In 2024

Metro Council Unenthusiastic About Possible 2028 GOP Convention After Voting Against Hosting In 2024

Metro Nashville Council Unenthusiastic About Possible 2028 GOP Convention After Voting Against Hosting In 2024

Image Credit: Brent Moore / CC

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

The Metro City Council who voted down a proposal for the city of Nashville to host the Republican National Convention in 2024 appear similarly unenthusiastic about the potential for the following event in 2028.

Back in August, Council Member Robert Swope, the only Republican councilman, presented a proposal for the 2024 convention calling it a “win-win, no-lose opportunity” but the council voted against the measure in a 22-10 vote in which three members abstained.

In his appeal to his fellow council members, Swope said, “Tonight, we have an opportunity to stand up and declare that no matter what the perceived political climate is in our great country, Nashville has been and will hopefully remain the most inclusive, welcoming city in America.”

When voting against the 2024 convention, the majority Democratic council insisted that it was not a partisan decision, and that they would not support any political conventions in Nashville, neither Democrat or Republican.

“I don’t think it’s a partisan question,” said Council Member Freddie O’Connell of District 19. “What I heard from colleagues going through the last several months was no major political conventions of any kind.”

O’Connell has said that because of the lack of support for 2024, he doesn’t see the council supporting a convention in 2028.

Republican leaders still want the national convention in Nashville in 2028. According to Axios Nashville, the Republican Nashville Committee gave the city of Nashville until October 15th to submit an application.

O’Connell says there are other large convention centers outside of Nashville that could host the event, citing the expo hall in Williamson County where the Williamson County fair is hosted annually. “Historic Franklin is right around the corner, and they can still make it to Broadway by evening,” said O’Connell.

Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton disagrees, saying there will be 20,000 – 40,000 people potentially attending. “Show me another conference that can host something as big as Bridgestone that can hold everybody in it with the media coverage,” he said. “That’s just them talking out the side of their mouth.”

Sexton also takes issue with conversations that have taken place between the state Republican caucus and the Metro City Council. 

“At this point, the state of Tennessee is not going to negotiate. They can tell us no, they can tell us yes,” Sexton said. “But in the big scheme of things, what this is for Metro is just politicalness. They think if they turn it down, they’re going to get re-elected. Well, good luck to them.”

Sexton says that in rejecting the RNC yet again, that Metro government is not “doing what’s best for them economically.”

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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2 Responses

  1. Metro turned down a Positive Money Maker,doing what Nashville does BEST. Entertain and Host. Beyond Stupid(IMO) to give up the National Attention for our Community.
    Following that bit of stupidity,they give Planned Parenthood an incredible amount of OUR TAX DOLLARS,for the purpose of Killing Babies in the womb.Biden must be laughing profusely !

  2. Who cares if there’s a GOP convention?! They’re all a bunch of RINOS. Haven’t you heard what the doctor GOP did in Blount county? They nullified a legal election and then threatened the women’s group with censure and fines if they allowed Gary Humble to speak at their meeting. I’m sick of the GOP. I wish people would stop sending them money. They do nothing but look after their “good ole boys” while laughing all the way to the bank.

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