Nashville Business Closes After Owner Killed By Illegal Alien

Nashville Business Closes After Owner Killed By Illegal Alien

Nashville Business Closes After Owner Killed By Illegal Alien

Image Credit: SmokinThighs – Wedgewood / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

A Nashville restaurant shut down after a decade of business only three months after the owner was killed by illegal aliens in a hit and run in his restaurant parking lot.

Matt Carney, owner of Smokin’ Thighs on Wedgewood Avenue, was struck by 29-year-old Ulises Raigoz-Martinez on June 19 after Carney caught him attempting to steal tools from his truck. He died on July 4.

Raigoz-Martinez had been previously arrested in February for theft but those charges were dropped. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that he crossed the border into the United States from Mexico without being detected, and an immigration detainer was placed on him after his second arrest.

Molly Carney, Matt’s wife, expressed her gratitude on the restaurant’s Facebook page, stating she will be “forever grateful for your welcoming spirit of Smokin’ Thighs. Your unwavering support of our family, particularly in these past months, has been remarkable. Without you Matt’s dream would never have become a reality.”

Friends and family were on hand at the restaurant for the final day, selling out everything on the menu.

Colton Mulligan, a friend of the family, shared, “I knew them both separately and then when I watched when they got married and came together it was just, it was the yin and the yang man. And I knew they loved each other, and so I am very sad over Matt’s passing.”

Another friend, Chuck Gordon, was also present for the last day of operations, saying, “That was Matt’s dream. We all have dreams you know, so it’s a very sad day, but it’s a great day for people to come out and said hello and goodbye.”

Raigoz-Martinez is set to be in court on November 13 on a number of charges, including criminal homicide.

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