Prayer On The Square Organizer Says He Is Prepared To Be Arrested While Exercising First Amendment Rights

Prayer On The Square Organizer Says He Is Prepared To Be Arrested While Exercising First Amendment Rights

Prayer On The Square Organizer Says He Is Prepared To Be Arrested While Exercising First Amendment Rights

Image Credit: Franklin Tennessee / YouTube

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

The public was granted just two minutes apiece to comment on a noise ordinance at the Franklin City Council work meeting on Tuesday night. This is the third round of discussions over the city’s Public Gatherings ordinance. 

Jeff Daniels of Murfreesboro who has been gathering weekly with others for over two years on the Franklin Public Square to worship Jesus, says he could be ticketed or arrested any Saturday because of the city’s ordinance regarding public gatherings that was changed in August 2022. The Public Gatherings and Expression ordinance now requires a permit for “gatherings that take place in the square more than once a month, use sound amplification, and have more than 20 people gathering.”

In October of last year, Daniels was served papers by the police, that were signed by the mayor and city administrator, stating that he could no longer play worship music or gather in the Franklin Square from Friday evening to Saturday morning, or Saturday evening to Sunday morning. Daniels remains steadfast in exercising his first amendment rights, despite the possibility of arrest, and vows to continue the weekly meetings to pray and worship.

Daniels’ daughter Ashley spoke Tuesday at the meeting. “God’s definitely moving down there,” she said. “I don’t understand why we’re trying to stop that.”

A retired veteran shared the following:

“There’s an underlying tone to this whole thing and everybody needs to understand this as well, this is not just about who is making noise… this stuff matters to me, these rights we have the right to gather, the right to worship, because it wasn’t a community program that saved my life, it wasn’t a community program that restored my marriage, it wasn’t a community program that kept my kids with a father. It was people out on the street, men meeting in a barn, publicly displaying love for their fellow man. If you stop what these people are doing out there, if your agenda is not solely based on the betterment of this community, then you need a heart check, because what these people are doing are changing lives, whether you agree with their position or not from a religious standpoint.”

Daniels asked for more than two minutes to speak, and while he was informed that he would have to abide by the rules, he was nevertheless respectfully given more time. 

Daniels began by saying, “I believe this is an attack on our group and the reason I say that is because we’re the only ones who were served with the ordinance based off of what [City Manager] Eric [Stuckey] told me in a private meeting.”

Daniels stated that he is prepared to be arrested. “Because I believe if you arrest me, this will become nationwide news just like the Asbury revival going on in Kentucky is becoming nationwide news… Do you think you have power over God? – God is bringing revival to this city in spite of us.”

The city’s Aldermen were split between repealing the newest ordinance or amending it. Alderman Gabrielle Hanson was in favor of repealing it, as she said that it could make the city financially liable. Alderman Jason Potts freely admitted that the amplification being used for worship music on the square could “barely be heard over the cars.”

As this meeting was a work session, there was no resolution. The Franklin City Council will vote at some point in the future, potentially following more discussion.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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One Response

  1. This is obvious – amplification can’t be allowed or every huckster will be down there with an amplifier. Will they support it if the Muslims start broadcasting a Call to Prayer? Or Scientologists? Or the Communist Youth League?

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