Becky Massey Running For Reelection: A Look At Her Voting Record

Self-Proclaimed Conservative Republican, Senator Becky Massey (R-Knoxville-District 6), Is Running For Reelection In 2024 But Her Voting Record Is Not Winning Her Very Many Points Amongst Conservatives As She Faces Opposition By Way Of Conservative Candidate Monica Irvine In The Upcoming Election.

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Bills On Sexual Identity Change For Minors, Vaccine Discrimination & Right To Refuse Medical Treatment In TN Legislature

This Session Of The Tennessee General Assembly Has Been, And Continues To Be, A Whirlwind Of Activity With A Flurry Of Bills Being Introduced And Making Their Way Through The Legislative Process. Here Are Three Bills And/Or Resolutions That We Didn’t Write In-Depth Articles On This Week That We Believe Will Be Of Particular Interest To Conservatives In Tennessee.

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