Image: Rep. Dave Wright Image Credit: Adelia Kirchner / The Tennessee Conservative
The Tennessee Conservative [By Adelia Kirchner] –
A one-sentence bill prohibiting elected officials in Tennessee from holding multiple offices at the same time passed on the House floor by a 61-27 vote on Thursday, Feb. 27th.
House Bill 618 (HB0618) as introduced and passed, “prohibits an individual holding an elected office of a local government from holding another elected office in this state at the same time.”
This legislation is sponsored by Rep. Dave Wright (R-Corryton-District 19) and it “grandfathers in” individuals who currently hold more than one office until their current terms expire.
Additionally, this legislation does not apply to offices held in a political party’s state executive committee.
During Thursday’s House floor session, Rep. Chris Hurt (R-Halls-District 82) explained that on behalf of his rural district he could not support the bill.
“I understand that there are complications that this has given folks around the state in different areas, but for my rural district we don’t have people beating the bushes down to serve,” said Rep. Hurt. “The way I understand this, someone, an individual couldn’t serve as a city mayor and on the county commission.”
Rep. Hurt said he could think of two instances where this has occurred.
“In one instance, an individual has served over 25 years in some capacity or another. So, his willingness to serve and the knowledge and experience that he brings is incredible,” stated Rep. Hurt. “I think that if individuals are willing to serve in that capacity, we should let the voters decide whether or not they can serve in an instance like that.”
HB0618 ended up passing on the House floor with 61 ayes, 27 noes, and 4 “present and not voting.”
Republican Representatives Atchley, Baum, Bricken, Bulso, Burkhart, Butler, Carringer, Cepicky, Crawford, Davis, Doggett, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Garrett, Helton-Haynes, Hicks T, Howell, Hulsey, Jones R, Kumar, Lafferty, Lamberth, Leatherwood, Littleton, Lynn, Maberry, Marsh, Martin G, McCalmon, Moody, Moon, Powers, Reeves, Reneau, Rudd, Rudder, Russell, Scarbrough, Shaw, Sherrell, Slater, Sparks, Stevens, Stinnett, Terry, Todd, Travis, Vital, Warner, Wright, Zachary, and Sexton, alongside Democrat Representatives Camper, Dixie, Glynn, Hemmer, Miller, Mitchell, Parkinson, and Salinas all voted in favor of the legislation.
Republican Representatives Barrett, Boyd, Cochran, Darby, Fritts, Gant, Gillespie, Hale, Hawk, Hicks G, Hill, Hurt, Keisling, Martin B, Reedy, White, and Williams, as well as Democrat Representatives Behn, Clemmons, Hakeem, Hardaway, Harris, Johnson, Love, McKenzie, Powell all voted against it.
The lawmakers who marked themselves as “present and not voting” were Democrat Representative Chism, and Republican Representatives Alexander, Haston, and Vaughan.
The corresponding Senate Bill 624 (SB0624) is being sponsored by Sen. Richard Briggs (R-Knoxville-District 7) and has been referred to the Senate State and Local Government Committee, but it is not scheduled for consideration at the time of this article’s publication.
About the Author: Adelia Kirchner is a Tennessee resident and reporter for the Tennessee Conservative. Currently the host of Subtle Rampage Podcast, she has also worked for the South Dakota State Legislature and interned for Senator Bill Hagerty’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee. Adelia is The Tennessee Conservative’s on-site reporter for the Tennessee General Assembly. You can reach Adelia at