These 6 Tennessee Banks Welcome Illegal Aliens

These 6 Tennessee Banks Welcome Illegal Aliens

These 6 Tennessee Banks Welcome Illegal Aliens

Image Credit: Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

As a general rule, most banks require a U.S. ID and a social security number to open an account. 

However, there are several banks that operate in the state of Tennessee that allow for those who cannot produce proof of legal citizenship or residency status and will allow a person to open a bank account with an alternate form of ID, often issued by a foreign government.

The Tennessee Conservative collected a list of those banks who have an operating presence here in Tennessee, and the minimum documentation required to open a bank account. 

Bank of America

You need to have two forms of ID with photos. For your primary ID, you can use a foreign passport, Mexican Consular ID, Dominican Republic Consular ID, Colombian Consular ID, or Guatemalan Consular ID. 

For your secondary ID, you can use any of the primary IDs mentioned — or a credit card from a major financial institution or retail company, debit card from a financial institution, foreign driver’s license, Mexican Voter Registration Card, or U.S. issued employment ID.

Wells Fargo

At Wells Fargo Bank, you’ll need two forms of ID. Any of the following can be used: a permanent resident card, foreign visa, foreign passport, or Individual Taxpayer Identification (ITIN) number.

U.S. Bank

At U.S. Bank, some locations allow you to use only a Mexican Matricula Consular as a primary ID to open a bank account.

Fifth Third Bank 

At Fifth Third Bank you can use a Mexican Matricula card as a form of identification. The matrícula consular is a photo identification card issued by the Mexican government. However, most Mexican nationals living in Mexico won’t have one. That’s because only the government’s consulate offices issue the cards to Mexican nationals living outside of Mexico.

According to this website,  the card is extremely popular for Mexicans in the United States without other ID. Lack of identification is one of many reasons why undocumented immigrants do not use banks. It’s a way for the Mexican government to keep track of its citizens for consular and tax purposes, collect data on them, and provide identification.

Key Bank

At KeyBank, you can use a foreign passport, Mexican driver’s license, Mexican Matricula card, or permanent resident card as your primary form of ID. The bank’s website does not indicate what other form of ID would be acceptable for the secondary form of ID, which most banks require to prove a person’s identity. 

Hope Credit Union

Hope credit Union has 28 branches in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Tennessee. 

The Tennessee branches are located in Memphis. And as a Juntos Avanzamos designated credit union, you can open an account even if you don’t have a Social Security number. You’ll need to provide an ITIN number and home address to open an account.  An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN).

A more extensive list of banks and credit unions across the country, most in California and Texas, can be found here

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Teller and is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at

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20 Responses

  1. Excellent investigative reporting on an important topic!

    We need to turn off ALL magnets that draw illegal Aileen’s to our state and that help them remain in Tennessee

  2. Excellent article. However, with most commercial operations, particularly banks, it is all about the money, regardless of what hand or ethnicity it comes from.

  3. Call your bank manager and congratulate them if they are NOT on that list. Remind them that we can withdraw our funds should they try it.

  4. Thank you for this news alert. Telling my banks I’m glad they aren’t on the list or I would change where my SS check goes to in a heartbeat! Good reporting!

  5. Volunteer State Bank used to advertise on Tucker’s program on FOX and the vast majority of those appearing in their ads are Caucasian. which for a financial institution is truly astounding. If I were to open an account right now I would choose Volunteer State or a local bank I never heard of, NEVER the international and national banks and their Cultural Marxist management.

  6. Another fantastic article from your wonderful paper!
    Choosing to share how pleased I am that our local-to-middle-TN TRI STAR BANK is not on this list. They have been wonderful…especially when we were de-banked by U.S. Bank for being Conservatives (yes that really did happen). I recommend any true Constitutional Conservative withdraw funds or any business from U.S. Bank.

  7. Thank you for this important alert, please continue to send these updates, I will definitely withdraw my funds from any bank that encourages illegal immigration of aliens into the U.S.A.

  8. BOA, 5th3rd, and Wells Fargo it doesn’t’ surprise me at all. They are the worst banks in this Country.
    If you have anything in any of the banks, take it out.

  9. It is all about the Money and Greed. These banks and companies will sell their Soul for a Dollar while screwing America and it’s LEGAL Customers. Time to close your account with these Traitors to America.

    1. These banks are notorious for cheating people. They welcome the money and they welcome more opportunities to cheat these illegal immigrants.

  10. Organized religious groups in Tennessee should be investigated the same way. It’s very disappointing just how many churches are facilitating the invasion of America by illegals and our weekly offerings are funding it. Ask your pastor or priest if your church is involved.

  11. These banks allowing accounts to people illegally entering the Country, are in a sence allowing illegal activity.. They need investigated…

  12. If you Republicans are REALLY serious about eliminating undocumented aliens, then make your state’s employers quit using them for jobs that native Tennesseans are unwilling to do for themselves. For too long, employers have used, or should I say, abused, undocumented aliens as a source of cheap labor to depress wages for those who legally live here. As long as you use undocumented aliens the same way you have used convicts and slaves for cheap labor, you cannot honestly tell me that you oppose undocumented labor. Let’s tell the truth for a change!

  13. Yes, undocumented immigrants can open bank accounts in the United States. While specific requirements may vary from one bank to another, many banks accept alternative forms of identification that undocumented immigrants might have, such as an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), a passport from their country of origin, or a consular ID.

    It’s worth noting that policies can differ by state and bank, and some banks may have more flexible requirements than others. It’s a good idea for individuals in this situation to directly contact the banks they are interested in to understand their specific requirements and procedures.

    If you want to boycott such banks out of self-righteousness, that’s fine, but the banks aren’t doing anything illegal.

  14. Many of the Mexican Matricula Consular ID’s are given to criminal under phony or scrubbed names.
    Also, a note about the term Caucasian.
    Caucasian has nothing to do with the White Race and all to do with an individual from the Caucus Region.
    Proper spelling is TSAR and not CZAR.

    1. The term “Caucasian” originally referred to people from the Caucasus region, which is situated between Europe and Asia, near modern-day Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. However, in a broader context, especially in the United States, it has come to be used to describe people of European descent or those with light skin. Language evolves.

  15. Thrilled to say that I don’t use any of them!

    Those that do – move to another bank immediately!
    What a horrible disgrace these named banks are, and we would let them know they are WRONG by closing ALL accounts and moving to other banks.

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