UTK Chancellor Plowman To Receive $160,000 Salary Increase

UTK Chancellor Plowman To Receive $160,000 Salary Increase

UTK Chancellor Plowman To Receive $160,000 Salary Increase

Image Credit: chancellor.utk.edu & web.utk.edu

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –

University of Tennessee Knoxville Chancellor Donde Plowman is set to receive a nearly 25% raise in the amount of $160,000. This raise will be effective on July 1.

This sets her up with an annual salary of $820,000, placing her in the 75th percentile for university chancellors across the country, according to the UT Daily Beacon.

Plowman has been the Chancellor of UT Knoxville since April 2019. She was hired in as the highest-paid chancellor in the history of the university. The highest salary previously paid was a $585,000 annual salary for former Chancellor Beverly Davenport.

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The announcement was made by UT System President Randy Boyd at a May 6th meeting of the UT Board of Trustees Executive Committee. 

When making the announcement, Boyd noted that UT policy states that the university’s president has the authority to raise the salaries of university officials without obtaining the board’s approval.

“In my opinion, our chancellor is one of the best in the country, if not the best in the country,” Boyd stated. “She’s doing an incredible job.”

According to Boyd, UTK has seen a major increase in enrollment, rising 12% over the last five years, and he attributes that to Plowman’s solid leadership.

“Over the last five years, we are now number one in growth and admissions (in the SEC), in large part to the fact that we’ve got a great leader in place here,” Boyd said.

In addition to her salary, Plowman is given a $1,667 housing allowance each month, along with standard benefits such as health insurance, retirement pay, paid time off, and tuition fee waivers. She also receives reimbursement for all work-related travel expenses.

Plowman is actually the second-highest paid chancellor in the UT System. Peter Buckley, Chancellor for the UT Health Science Center, has a base salary of $950,000. No other salaries were changed in the meeting.


UT System Leadership Salaries:

Peter Buckley, UT Health Science Center: $950,000

Donde Plowman, UT Knoxville: $820,000

Carrie Castille, UT Institute of Agriculture: $400,000

Steve Angle, UT Chattanooga: $382,512

Keith Carver, UT Martin: $333,628

Mark La Branch, UT Southern: $240,000

Herb Byrd, UT Institute of Public Service: $226,272

Mark Whorton, UT Space Institute: $226,272

Randy Boyd, UT System President: $10,000

Click HERE to view the University of Tennessee’s complete salary database as of November 20th, 2021.

According to the University of Tennessee’s budget document, they are funded primarily through tuition and student fees, state appropriations, and other sources including grants and contracts, federal and local appropriations, sales and services, and investment income.

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at news@TennesseeConservativeNews.com

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4 Responses

  1. It is no wonder it takes students 20 years to pay off loans. Majority of parents sending their children nay get a few percent pay increase if lucky but they and others get a 25% bloated increase!!! This is a total slap in the face of parents and tax payers. This needs to STOP now in these bloated schools everywhere.

  2. Parents and students don’t have to pay for this. Just don’t send your kids to school at UT.

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