“Pro-Hamas Thugs” Allegedly Threaten Nashville Hotel Staff With Violence Leading To Cancellation Of Pro-Israel Event

“Pro-Hamas Thugs” Allegedly Threaten Nashville Hotel Staff With Violence Leading To Cancellation Of Pro-Israel Event

“Pro-Hamas Thugs” Allegedly Threaten Nashville Hotel Staff With Violence Leading To Cancellation Of Pro-Israel Event

Image Credit: Sonesta.com

The Tennessee Conservative [By Adelia Kirchner] –

A pro-Israel event scheduled to happen in Nashville next week has been cancelled by the hosting hotel allegedly due to their staff receiving a multitude of threatening phone calls.

HaYovel, a religious ministry located in Israel, was booked to put on an “Israel Summit” from May 20th-22nd of this year at the Sonesta Nashville Airport Hotel.

The event has been summarized as “the first annual gathering of pro-Israel supporters who unconditionally support Israel’s right to be sovereign in the entirety of the land of Israel, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.”

“The peaceful gathering was intended to educate Christians on fighting antisemitism and explain to believers their biblical connection with the Holy Land,” CBN News reported.

Following the Sonesta’s cancellation of the Israel Summit, non-profit legal group First Liberty Institute sent a letter declaring the hotel’s cancellation of the event “unlawful discrimination in a place of public accommodation” and calling for the hotel to uphold its contractual obligation to HaYovel.

The letter additionally informed the hotel that failure to fulfill HaYovel’s contract could result in legal action against “the Sonesta and all other responsible parties.”

“Doubtless the threats or complaints you received were due to disagreement with HaYovel’s religious beliefs concerning Israel and the Jewish people. Whether your cancellation of the Summit was carried out due to your own hostility toward HaYovel’s beliefs or serve as a heckler’s veto for others, the result is the same,” reads the letter. “You have denied HaYovel a public accommodation due to its religious beliefs.”

According to HaYovel, “pro-Hamas thugs” started calling the Sonesta just last week with threats of violence for agreeing to host the pro-Israel event. 

“On May 10th, after speaking with local police, the hotel leadership contacted HaYovel, notifying them that they were dropping their contract,” said HaYovel Marketing Director, Luke Hilton. 

“The police were concerned that the hotel, their guests, local businesses, and attendees to the Israel Summit would be in physical danger due to the threatening nature of the calls and messages they have received,” Hilton continued. 

According to First Liberty Institute’s letter, the contract between HaYovel and the Sonesta Nashville Airport Hotel contained the following force majeure clause:

If an act of God, war, terrorist act, government regulation, riot, disaster, fire or other casualty, power interruption or failure, strike or other labor action, or any other circumstance or condition beyond a party’s reasonable control makes it illegal, impossible or commercially impracticable for such party to perform its obligation under this Agreement, such party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party without liability.

The letter noted that “these alleged threats” were the hotel’s “sole justification” for canceling the event.

“You invoked the ‘force majeure’ clause of the Contract and canceled the Summit, refusing to fulfill your contractual obligations to Ha Yovel,” it reads.

The Israel Summit cancellation has since been likened to Nazi Germany by Pastor and Founder of Eagles’ Wings Ministries, Robert Stearns.

“Our constitutional right to assembly, our constitutional right to freedom, our constitutional right to free speech, our constitutional right to be guarded by our law enforcement for religious freedom…” said Stearns, “all of this is being canceled because Hamas thugs are speaking out and denying our rights as Americans to gather.”

Currently, HaYovel still plans to move forward with the Israel Summit “with heightened security, at a different venue” to “show these thugs that they will not be rewarded for their unconstitutional, hateful actions.”

“Now more than ever, it is important that America stands unconditionally with Israel and that we publicly show that we cannot be intimidated by pro-Hamas thugs,” HaYovel said in a statement.

About the Author: Adelia Kirchner is a Tennessee resident and reporter for the Tennessee Conservative. Currently the host of Subtle Rampage Podcast, she has also worked for the South Dakota State Legislature and interned for Senator Bill Hagerty’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee. You can reach Adelia at adelia@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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21 Responses

  1. I hope they move the event to a surrounding county that will NOT put up with Hamas terrorists and anti-semitism.

  2. The clowns who canceled the event are in on the protest. Rest assured that justinE Jones spearheaded this violence. They should not bow down to these threats. Stand against these HEATHEN people.

  3. People need to stop backing down to these thugs and start pushing back. All canceling does is teach them they can get away with their crimes.

  4. Times like these call for a resolute will to stand firm against opponents of freedom and to defend ourselves and others from the depredations of our enemies. Freedom is always challenged and it is up to us to guarantee it AT ALL COSTS.

  5. What about pro-Israeli thugs who dox and attack peaceful protesters against Israeli atrocities against Palestinian children at Gaza hospitals? Is it okay to deprive wounded children and their parents of decent medical care to the point where doctors have to operate on them without anesthesia? What about the Israeli policy of murdering medical personnel and news reporters? Isn’t that at least as thuggish as what Hamas did last October?

    That brings up another thing. Israelis like to use October 7th as their excuse to commit their own war crimes. But what about 1948 when Israeli settlers and soldiers forced Palestinian farmers who had owned land there for centuries off their property so that Israel could steal it? Or, what about the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that gave all Palestinian land for an exclusive Israeli state without consulting Palestinian owners? You conservatives are very one-sided in your definitions of what constitutes a terrorist.

      1. Actually Haynes the points are little known because they are nonsensical and inaccurate. This is primary season where we should concentrate on replacing centrists/tepid conservatives in the General Assembly with genuine conservatives, but just so you don’t have your head filled with nonsense and inaccuracies about the Middle East I offer the following facts:

        1. Anyone paying the slightest attention to the news will know that it is the admirers of the barbaric savages of Hamas who intimidate those who don’t share their admiration for barbaric savages..
        2. The Hamas savages use Palestinian hospitals, schools, mosques as depots for war materials and military sites which is a war crime.
        3. The Hamas savages commonly us Palestinian civilians for defensive purposes which is a war crime.
        4. The Hamas savages have long regularly stolen aid intended for Palestinian civilians for their own military forces.
        5. The purposeful policy of Hamas savages of imbedding itself as closely as possible with the civilian population, thus committing a war crime, makes civilian casualties inevitable and understandable unless one takes the position that such tactics should be a “get out of jail card” for the perpetrators.
        6. In 1948 the vast majority of the Arabs who left what is today Israel did so at the behest of the Arab states who advised them to evacuate before those states attacked those areas after rejecting the UN’s partition of the British Mandate of Palestine. Those who left and their offspring are today’s Palestinians, those who stayed are today’s Palestinian citizens of Israel who enjoy the most freedom and highest standard of living of any Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa.
        7. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 simply indicated the British general intention of establishing a Jewish homeland in territory that it conquered during World War I that was a part of what was the Ottoman Empire that today comprises Israel and Jordan rather than anything “owned” by Palestinians.

        Now lets get back to primary season and helping conservatives win the Big Six primaries Aug. 1.

      2. No it’s not understandable at all. What is understandable is that the Nashville police are in up to their necks in this charade. They are either gutless or complicit.
        The Democrats run Nashville. The citizens better be ready for BLM 2.0.

    1. As a person who has studied the history of these peoples and the land, and have been to Israel and Palestine, I have to disagree with your comment.
      Also, what does that have to do with the violation of constitutional rights here in the U.S. by these pro terrorist protesters? This article is in regards to OUR country and its people. What these thugs are doing is illegal and should be dealt with accordingly on a state and federal level.

    2. First of all, shame on the Sonesta hotel!
      Second of all, these liberals need to get their history facts straight. The So-called Palestinian ( which there is no Palestine). Think that Israelis have no right to exist. These people have been the most persecuted group of individuals in History! So it goes back further than 10-07. How about the holocaust? Oh yeah, Islam thinks it was a farce. Funny that….the concentration camps are still there along with the evidence. Israelis are God’s people and soon the musli.s will bow down to the real God!

  6. Understandable that the hotel venue cancelled over concerns for safety to staff AND hotel guests. They can’t be faulted for putting safety over potential revenue.

    1. Wow. Speaking of frothing thugs trying to rewrite history.
      Do you really expect any sane people on this site to believe that a dimwit Marxist gives a s**t about Gaza and the Palestinians? Tell us, if you will, where exactly is Palestine? Who is President or Prime Minister?
      What absolute drivel. Get back under your rock and take those Hamas “cliff notes” with you.

  7. This is a situation that really needs attention . If many are like myself, they don ‘ t really know for sure why this conflict can not be resolved in some peaceful manner ; that is what has been going on between ISRAEAL and the PALISTINIANS .

    The Jews are said to actually control much in the the US, especially the media , and the media is indeed controlled in an ADVERSE way ; so much of it , that is .

    Some say Freemason is associated with being of Jewish origin ( JEWISH ) , and it is well known to have much evil within its operation . And I personally know about the ADVERSE control over the USA , that Freemason now holds .

    william f draper at skiff dot com

    possibly being in NASHVILLE soon

    1. Please educate on what you are saying before you post it. Can’t believe you believe all this

    2. Perhaps I can help William. The “conflict can not be resolved in some peaceful manner” because the vast majority of the Palestinian people and its leaders refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist, that’s what the ‘From the river to the sea” chants you hear are all about, and Israel understandably refuses to self-liquidate.

  8. I have called Governor Lee, Marsha Blackburn and the Sonesta hotel and stated that this a violation of constitutional rights. I’m wondering why law enforcement doesn’t offer to beef up security (as well as the summits security) and arrest any terrorists that attempt to violate attendees. Department of Homeland Security should also be present to protect the rights of attendees. It s not okay to allow the terrorists supporters to violate others.

  9. Violence begets violence until there is no on left to be violent. I, for one, hope none of them come to my place. I don’t make threats, I take action

  10. All are equal and these THUGS need to be hunted down and treated as TERRORIST they are and either Jailed or deport them to Hamas where they might last 15 min.

  11. Many feel that Big Democrat money is behind these protests through Foundations and NGO’s.
    As a former President once said, ” when it comes to politics, nothing happens by accident, it is all planned”.

  12. For those who not only support Israel but who apparently show more loyalty to Israel than they do their own country, the United States, maybe they could explain to me why most of Israel’s staunchest critics are other Jews while Israel’s staunchest supporters are Christian fundamentalists with an ugly history of anti-Semitism themselves? These supporters apparently want all Jews to reject their secular humanism and to all return to Israel from their former home countries to accept conversion into a fundamentalist brand of Christianity or face Armagedden when their alleged second coming of Christ occurs, supposedly in Israel itself. Also, why has the Israeli government during its decades of existence got in bed with violently anti-Jewish regimes such as the former Galtieri Regime in Argentina before the 1982 Faulklands War? In that war, a strongly pro-Israeli journalist, Jacob Timmerman, was brutally tortured by the Argentine dictatorship in which the Isreali government continued to support in spite of Galtieri’s pro-Nazi sympathies? Timmerman wrote a book of his ordeal called PRISONER WITHOUT A NAME; CELL WITHOUT A NUMBER. Explain that to me, please.

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