Image Credit: Tennessee National Guard / Facebook
by Danielle Goodrich [East Tennessee Freedom] –
Julian Huxley wrote the UNESCO (United Nation’s Education Science and Cultural Organization) Purpose and Philosophy in 1946. Huxley believed in order to have world peace you couldn’t have competing traditions or religions.
He believed you could only have one world religion. He said that religion must be evolutionary humanism. That not only could we not have competing religions. But that we also can’t have competing nations. We have to have one-world government.
Julian said this would be accomplished through the United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, FAO and all the other UN agencies. It makes the UN Pact and WHO Treaty make a lot of sense when you understand the organization’s goals and purpose.
By the 1960s, the humanists were successful in getting Bibles out of schools and getting evolutionary humanism in. A country that was built on religious freedom to worship Almighty God, a system of government built on God-given rights, removed God from education and overtime from society. God was relegated to one place, one day a week.
Potter said, “Education is thus a most power ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teachings?”
Americans believed that government was now over God. Sadly many still do. That political correctness is over biblical correctness. For decades the church stepped back and allowed the government to take its place in communities and overtime the entire country.
Our founding fathers decentralized authority to the states and the people knowing that centralized authority is absolute power which corrupts absolutely. They had just escaped the rule of a King and knew what absolute power looked like. The states created the Federal government and the Constitution to limit the Federal government to what is in Article 1 Section 8, with everything else deferring to the states and people via the 9th and 10th amendments.
As God was written out so was the history and knowledge of the Constitution and the necessity of a limited fed.
Writing God out so the government becomes the highest authority is a step to humanist forms of government like communism. Where people rely on man, rely on the government in place of God.
Americans have become increasingly dependent on an all powerful federal government. Looking to a King or President to fix everything, neglecting to understand that means he can break it. Forgetting the 9 most dangerous words from the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Jeff Cobble teaches our Constitution classes and reminds us not always to look to the government because the more authority you give it to fix, the more power they’ve acquired. The more needed they become. The more dependent we become.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been in the spotlight during this disaster. Zerohedge ran an article titled, “FEMA’s real purpose suppressing American citizens and preventing civilian organization.”FEMA’s real purpose suppressing American citizens and preventing civilian organization.”
The article states, “The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was founded on April 1st, 1979 under the Jimmy Carter Administration during the height of a nearly decade long stagflationary crisis and the Iranian oil crisis. Under Executive Order 12127, its stated goal was to centralize all disaster related efforts under a single top-down entity. Specifically, FEMA ended the more localized Civil Defense Agency, which was focused on community based emergency response, and it federalized all disaster coordination under a single top-down system controlled by the Oval Office.”
The article goes on to say, “The true purpose of FEMA has long been obscured but some disturbing truths have been exposed in the past. The declassification of a program called Rex 84 (tied to Operation Garden Plot) revealed that FEMA was working directly with the Department of Defense on a hypothetical strategy to round up and detain large numbers of civilians considered a “threat to national security.” In other words, FEMA was to act as a tool for helping suppress civil disturbances, it was not necessarily designed to help Americans in times of need.”
Recently, the Department of Defense issued directive 5240.01. This article reported, “Under the current directive, we’re looking at a situation where, if civil disorder escalates, the Secretary of Defense could approve the use of military assets in the streets. And if the situation calls for it, there’s even potential for deadly force.
Now, deadly force is a serious step. To authorize it against U.S. citizens—well, that should require a pretty high bar. And yet, in this Directive, we see the criteria loosened, with authority trickling down to military heads and senior officials.”
Hurricane Helene reminded many of FEMAs abysmal response to the fires in Lahaina.
Washington County, TN Sheriff Keith Sexton said, “If you think FEMA is going to save you in the next natural disaster, you are wasting your time, read, you need to be prepared to last a few days. I didn’t meet anyone from FEMA until Saturday and they still didn’t have anything good to say.”
He advised people to donate locally to churches and praised the local response of the citizens, the community, the churches, who set up operations, places to stay, kitchens to feed people.
He said, “If you are worried, pray. But if you want to be encouraged go look at how the citizens responded. It was the churches and citizens who stepped up.”
North Carolina Department of Transportation reported that it would be months before a route could connect Bat Cave to Chimney Rock, NC. A crew of strip miners from West Virginia said it would be done in two days, and they made it happen.
Accuweather reported, “Helene’s floods left many stranded, but Northeast Tennessee residents and volunteers built a temporary bridge from semi-trailers to aid recovery.”
The Shawn Ryan show reported, Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh members of Aerial Recovery, a nonprofit organization focused on disaster response and humanitarian aid, delivered supplies, and supported recovery efforts flown and funded by a civilian helicopter pilot. They said most they saw were civilian helicopters.
There was no shortage of such hero stories throughout this disaster. But the media wasn’t reporting what was happening. Just like the federal agencies, corporate media was absent as well. Citizen journalists and grassroots got the word out.
This is the silver lining of Helene. Much like how many were given eyes to see during the pandemic. Helene has shone a light on the uselessness of the federal government, the ineffectiveness of a top down centralized approach and the warnings of global governance which is the ultimate centralized and corrupting power.
Ironically, it’s the opposite of what is intended from this Hegelian dialect of create problem offer solution.
The intent of the UN and the WHO and these agencies is to convince the masses we need a heavy-handed centralized approach.
Global pandemic? We can’t have separate sovereign nations we need one response perpetuated by one-world government!
Climate crisis? We need a united response perpetuated by one-world government.
The UN needs the rally cry for global government. This gives the UN ample motive to create such disasters.
Which the technology exists to do. Need a weaponized virus? Engineer one in a lab.
Need weaponized weather? Create it as discussed in this 1972 New York Times article titled, “Rainmaking Is Used As a Weapon by U.S.” in the article it said “The United States has been secretly seeding clouds over North Vietnam, Laos and South Vietnam to increase and control the rainfall for military purposes.” With weather as a weapon further discussed here.
One of the other goals mentioned in the UN document is depopulation. Huxley believed he could deliver utopia if they could achieve the optimum population through eugenics and population control.
Catherine Austin Fitts, financial expert, discusses how depopulating has become lucrative for our government. Catherine writes, “One of the reasons that the Solari team and I worked hard over many years to highlight the issue of the money going missing from the U.S. government was that we understood that this was essentially a theft of resources from U.S. pension and retirement savings. If the theft were not stopped, the only solutions would be to extend the retirement age, lower benefits through inflation or benefit cuts, and/or lower life expectancy.
Because the government took numerous actions that began to lower life expectancy starting around the time the financial coup began, I am convinced that lowering U.S. life expectancy is an intentional policy. It seems appropriate that the very same agency that is missing $20 trillion of taxpayer money would be the agency to lead Operation Warp Speed, an exercise that has significantly and intentionally increased excess mortality and done so in a way that extends the solvency of the Social Security system.
Grossly oversimplified, if you rob a bank, it is easier to keep the money if the depositors are dependent, weak, or dead—in other words, before they realize their money is gone and can demand it back.
This is hard for many Americans to fathom because we have grown up and lived in a world in which the spending power of the American consumer was what generated economic prosperity for the leadership. However, globalization, technology, and our investments in space have all created new economic models. As Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock (the largest asset manager in the world) recently explained, we now have new models for growing economies in countries with shrinking populations. Fink commented, “I could argue in the developed countries the big winners are countries that have shrinking populations.”
This also comes from her article, “Secretary Cohen was joined by Senator Sam Nunn and Senator Richard G. Lugar. Cohen said: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” He added: “It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.”30 If the Defense Secretary says that the earth and the sky have been turned into weapons and are being used as such in the present, we should take this statement very seriously.”
Depopulating might be financially advantageous, they might see it as a step towards their humanist utopia, but it turns out depopulating through created disasters works counter to the masses believing in global government revealing the centralized responses are inferior to the local ones.
I recently stumbled across this CIA write up on the UNs plan for global governance written in 1985.
The CIA exposes how the UN uses Marxism. How the UN looks to steal US resources. How the UN looks to send US funds to other world governments making the US vulnerable.
Unfortunately, in the 40 years since the CIA brief was written there appears to have been a lot of changes. The CIA is no longer blowing the whistle on the UNs plan for global governance. Our federal government is now aiding their goals. The UN has 17 Sustainable Development Goals which help to walk countries away from being sovereign and towards global governance by controlling food, healthcare, water, education, government, land and more. We are seeing this plan realized through our federal acts. The CIA now appears to be working with the UN towards global government against the US and sovereignty.
In my opinion we are going to continue to see disasters which lead to these steps like land grabs and eroding private property rights and making 30% of private land federally owned as a part of the federal/global sustainability plan.
The 1985 CIA document says “Phase Two? of their (UN) Strategic Plan” is aimed at cutting off the U.S. and the West from the Third World and its resources.”
There’s been a lot of talk lately about resources. Lithium rich land effected by the flooding and able to be acquired through eminent domain if its blighted. It doesn’t look like we are only being cut off from third world resources, but also from our own.
Considering our state invested $884 million into Ford’s electric mega-site and Greg Young from TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation) says Tennessee wants to be “the epicenter of the electric vehicle transition.” There are motives for our state to help acquire lithium resources too.
Perhaps with all of this being exposed we are getting closer to being able to defund unconstitutional federal agencies while putting the federal government back in its limited box. Perhaps the government stepping back allowing the church and the people to step forward is just what we needed to put God back in. Great faith that leads to great courage that leads to great liberty.
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God’s allowing folk’s eyes to be opened the hard way.