Search results for: janice bowling

Sen. Janice Bowling Moves To Adjourn On First Day Of Tennessee’s Special Session

Sen. Janice Bowling Moves To Adjourn On First Day Of Tennessee’s Special Session

Sen. Bowling Said, “There Are Bills Filed Now That We Must Consider […] In A Very Abbreviated Amount Of Time. Some Of These Bills Seek To Aggregate The Rights Of Tennesseans And Some Of Them Seek To Even Enlarge The Use Of Federal Medicaid Spending, Thereby Expanding Our Entanglements With The Federal Government. I Fear That No Matter How Well Intentioned This Extraordinary Session May Be, It Was Ill-Conceived. For Reasons Stated Herein, I Make A Motion To Adjourn.”

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Adhering To The Constitution And The Blurring Of Lines Between Branches Of TN Government (Interview with Deputy Speaker of the TN Senate, Janice Bowling)

Adhering To The Constitution And The Blurring Of Lines Between Branches Of TN Government (Interview with Deputy Speaker of the TN Senate, Janice Bowling)

In this unprecedented interview, Senator Janice Bowling (Deputy Speaker of The Tennessee Senate) openly speaks of issues in the Tennessee legislature that seem worse this year than ever before.

Bowling sounds off on the importance of practicing Constitutional guaranteed State’s Rights, how good Conservative legislation is being waylaid in subcommittees and committees, the misuse of ‘caption bills’, the suppression of medical freedoms, Governor Lee’s corporate-centric budget, lobbying and the blurring of lines between the branches of Tennessee Government.

All this and much more in this is an eye-opening interview that you absolutely do not want to miss!

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It’s All About Liberty [Interview with Senator Janice Bowling]

It’s All About Liberty [Interview with Senator Janice Bowling]

In this interview, Bowling gives us updates on Corporate/Private Vaccine Mandates & Liability, Forced Masking of Children & Students in Government Schools/Colleges, and Separation of Powers.

Bowling also walks us through how many good bills with strong Conservative standing were killed or watered down to the point of being ineffective in the Tennessee Legislature.

Bowling also offers practical advice for Conservatives who want to help claw back the liberties and freedoms that have been taken over the past 18 months.

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