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Action Alert: End Big Tech Censorship, GOP & Illegal Immigration, Religious Freedom & More: TennCon BIG 7 Weekend Update!

Action Alert: End Big Tech Censorship, GOP & Illegal Immigration, Religious Freedom & More: TennCon BIG 7 Weekend Update!

1) Social Media Common Carrier Bill Is One Step Closer To Becoming Law
2) Parent Bill Of Rights Blocked By House Health Subcommittee
3) Lobbying Transparency Bill Dies Due To Lack Of Subcommittee Support
4) Legislation To Safeguard Religious Services During Times Of Crises Passes TN Legislature
5) Some Senate Republicans Do Not Support Legislation To Ban Abortions In Tennessee
6) Senator Janice Bowling Speaks On The Tenth Amendment And States’ Rights
7) Survey Shows All-Time Low Consumer Outlook In Tennessee

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