Image Credit: Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare (MLH) in Memphis has been issued an ultimatum by the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee after the hospital canceled surgery for a 19-year-old transgender patient.
The hospital adopted a policy that no longer allows “gender-affirming” care to those identifying as transgender or non-binary a few days before Chris Evans’ scheduled surgery. Evans was allegedly notified of the cancellation on November 21st.
ACLU-TN Staff Attorney Lucas Cameron-Vaughn called the hospital’s decision discriminatory.
“Denial of healthcare results in life-threatening situations for all patients,” said Cameron-Vaughn. “Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare is risking the lives of its patients by jumping into culture wars. Discrimination does not belong in healthcare.”
In a letter to MLH, Cameron-Vaughn called the policy “unlawful discrimination based on sex” citing Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act, as well as “discrimination on the basis of disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The ACLU-TN is threatening to report the hospital to the federal government if they don’t reschedule the surgery before the end of December and are demanding a response from the healthcare facility by the close of business on December 2nd, 2022.
If MLH does not comply, the ACLU has threatened to file complaints with both the U.S. Department of Health and the Human Services Office for Civil Rights.
According to The Tennessee Lookout, MLH has deactivated a web page with the title “LGBTQ+” from the facility’s website.
MLH is the state’s largest provider of care to Tennesseans on TennCare and Medicaid, and also the uninsured. They serve more than 128,000 patients on TennCare and Medicaid annually.
About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at
5 Responses
Gender identity is a made up word like transphobia, homophobia and all of the rest of the “woke” phobias. I feel sorry for young people caught up in this current social contagion, but we must stop this insanity before it goes any further.
Tell the ACLU TO TAKE A HIKE this insane practice needs to stop. No matter how many surgeries they have they are still Male or female. Need mental help instead of surgery.
And not for the first time…
Surgically altering someone’s gender is not healthcare and anyone who says it is is an absolute liar motivated by the left and the money he or she makes from being a hypocrite!
This satanic garbage needs to stop. It’s telling God he made a mistake which He cannot do.