Bill That Would Prohibit Illegal Aliens From Being Housed On State Owned Property Pushed Off Until 2024

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

A bill that would have made housing illegal aliens on any real property in Tennessee that is owned by government entities has been shelved until early 2024. 

HB1247/SB1151 sponsored by Representative Dennis Powers (R-Jacksboro-District 36) and Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8) as introduced, prohibits an illegal alien from being housed on real property owned by this state or a political subdivision of this state; excepts incarceration and other housing required as a result of a criminal conviction. – Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 9; Title 12; Title 39; Title 50; Title 66; Title 68 and Title 71.

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This week, the bill was rolled on the Senate side to a date in late January 2024. The Tennessee Conservative reached out to Senator Niceley’s office for comment and a possible explanation, but there was no response as of the publishing of this article. 

Back in December of 2022, the Tennessee Congressional Delegation sent a letter to the Biden Administration asking them to conduct an investigation into the appearance of illegal aliens being sent into Tennessee by bus and then dropped off to be held until their court date arrives -l ikely to disappear into the Tennessee landscape and never actually stand before a judge. 

Last legislative session, Senator Niceley and Representative Powers wrote a similar piece of legislation, that would have given local law enforcement the authority to enforce federal law and arrest anyone transporting, harboring or facilitating the transport of illegal aliens into Tennessee, because the aliens themselves cannot be arrested, since that is the under the jurisdiction of the federal government. The bill was killed in the Senate, and then taken off notice in the house. 

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Based on all the current information from the past few years, it seems that the appearance of illegal aliens in the state of Tennessee, despite not being a border state, is indeed an issue and a cause for concern for residents of the state as well as some of the true conservatives that serve in our General Assembly. 

However, it looks as though this bill will sit for at least another 10 months at best, before it sees any action on it at all. By then, the problem could be exponentially worse, with the very few people who can do something about it actually being motivated to act in the best interest of Tennesseans.

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is a recent escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers. She has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  Outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty. Kelly can be reached at

2 thoughts on “Bill That Would Prohibit Illegal Aliens From Being Housed On State Owned Property Pushed Off Until 2024

  • April 1, 2023 at 11:58 am

    Rep. Powers has amended the bill to exempt certain situations where illegal aliens reside in Tennessee. During last week’s House committee hearing, Rep. Powers also made it clear that he doesn’t want to include illegal aliens like those in the unconstitutional Obama DACA program who have the two year temporary deferred deportation. A woman who has DACA testified in the committee and explained that she wants to be an RA at Austin Peay where she goes but wouldn’t be able to live on campus because of the bill. Rep. Alexander showed with her questions that she believes that whoever has DACA can’t be an illegal alien. The TIRRC person lied and said DACA has “legal status”. Then Rep. Powers said he doesn’t want DACA covered by this bill and he is going to amend it again. Go back and watch the video.

  • April 1, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    Remember Wisconsin’s NULLIFICATION of the federal fugitive slave act in the 1850s?


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