Chattanooga Agrees To Adopt World Economic Forum’s Smart City Technology Roadmap

Chattanooga Agrees To Adopt World Economic Forum’s Smart City Technology Roadmap

Chattanooga Agrees To Adopt World Economic Forum’s Smart City Technology Roadmap

Image Credit: Breethol / CC

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –

Chattanooga, Tennessee is one of only two cities chosen in the United States that have agreed to ‘pioneer’ a new roadmap for adopting new technology as part of the World Economic Forum’s G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance.

In the United States, Chattanooga, along with San Jose, California have agreed to implement a roadmap, designed by the World Economic Forum, to give cities laws, procedures and regulations to “ethically and responsibly” use new data and technologies.

The cities have agreed to adopt policies for cybersecurity accountability, increased transparency for city data, increased broadband coverage, increased privacy protection and better accessibility to digital city services for disabled individuals and the elderly.  

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While this sounds appealing on the surface, Rebecca Williams of The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs has raised the alarm about potential harms and misuses that adopting “smart city” technologies might cause.

One of the first concerns regards the lack of community input involved when making the decision to implement new technologies.  Williams states that ongoing engagement with the community and dialogue regarding data collection should be involved to explain how it might contribute to the collective good and the trade-offs involved.

Although the publicly-outlined plan for WEC’s Smart Cities doesn’t state that the new technologies will collect more data on individuals, Williams claims the contrary, stating that the tech can potentially collect data in quantity on individuals and could be used to track their movements through public spaces.  She states this could lead to a decline in privacy protection, especially in the case of a data breach.

Should data collection of individuals be increased through various means that some Smart Cities employ, Williams warns it could have a chilling effect on free speech due to fear of retaliation or harassment from the government.  

While the publicly-outlined plan for Chattanooga includes “increased transparency for city data”, Williams says it could actually lead to a less accountable government.  

Chattanooga has been fairly self-sufficient with its technology services but the increased technology requirements that come with Smart City implementation may result in more outsourcing.

With the outsourcing of technology services to private vendors, Williams states that the vendors can play a quasi-government function with the vendors not being held to the same standards of accountability as city government would be. 


Chattanooga and the other chosen ‘Pioneer Cities’ are slated to launch their activities at an online global event, broadcast by the Smart City Expo World Congress, on November 17th and 18th.

Other cities chosen as ‘Pioneer cities’ include:

Apeldoorn, Netherlands; Barcelona, Spain; Belfast, UK; Bengaluru, India; Bilbao, Spain; Bogotá, Colombia; Brasilia, Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cordoba, Argentina; Daegu, South Korea; Dubai, UAE; eThekwini (Durban), South Africa; Faridabad, India; Gaziantep, Turkey; Hamamatsu, Japan; Hyderabad, India; Indore, India; Istanbul, Turkey; Kaga, Japan; Kakogawa, Japan; Kampala, Uganda; Karlsruhe, Germany; Leeds, UK; Lisbon, Portugal; London, UK; Maebashi, Japan; Manila, Philippines; Medellín, Colombia; Melbourne, Australia; Mexico City, Mexico; Milan, Italy; Moscow, Russia; Newcastle, Australia; and Toronto, Canada.

More about the Governance Roadmap for Digital Technologies HERE.

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at

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20 Responses

  1. WHAT!! Pray for lots and lots of push back to get this reversed. I can’t believe the powers-that-be in Chattanooga do not know who Clause Schwab and the WEF are. This is not the camel’s nose under the tent, it’s the camel IN the tent!!

    1. Of course the slimy politicians know what this means. The other newspapers makes it sound so wonderful. There are going to be 36 more cities giving them complete surveillance on everyone. Now we know why EPB installed the new fiber optics and why 5G is being pushed on us.

      1. If people don’t fight now it’s over. Fight the politicians but if they’re too paid off then the surveillance infrastructure must be eliminated by any means necessary.

    2. This just the start look at all the environmental disasters around our country it’s all part of a big plan wake up America they will be forcing us to move to the cities, saying Arlene does polluted then you can say goodbye to our freedoms. It’s all part of a big plan. This is a huge conspiracy. I cannot believe it’s been covered up the way it is.

  2. I think it is a mistake to agree to a globalist organization’s guidelines for any American city, much less one in Tennessee. If allowed to move forward this agreement will be the camel’s nose under the tent. The World Economic Forum is the one which stated: “By 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy.” We do not need this type of Leftist fascist ideology in our state. Tennesseans should be allowed to read these documents and comment (and even vote) on them prior to implementation. Write or call your state representatives as soon as possible.

  3. Klaus Schwab: “you will own nothing, and you will be happy”.
    All part of his decades long plan for his global reset and the implementation of the New World Order….
    Every move, every word, every transaction will be monitored and censored…..

  4. It’s all because of your leftist government Kelly your mayor for the city and I’m sure the mayor for the county is in on it too they have no business joining us all is going to do is destroy our privacy technology just like it did years ago when we allowed to Chinese and the Japanese to come to combustion engineering and take pictures and video worst combustion today they no longer exist because China people like that took over business. All I say is fight like hell to stop them.

  5. Time to go to City Council meetings and get an explanation, and perhaps a vote by the people. We just had an election whereas it could have been on the ballot. Why is there no publicity on this globalist, WEF Smart City implementation (by this November)? More people are asleep than awake. I’ve already contacted everyone and no one knows anything about it. The Mayor’s office said to contact the person spear-heading this effort, Andrew Sevigny. Here’s his profile on linkedin.

    Checkout the core courses for where he went to college. They even have a course for masks. Drill down on some of these globalist courses. Yes, our nightmares have come true.

    Just commenting is not going to be enough folks.

  6. How in hell does this happen in Tn. California yeah, those people are out there anyway. Albert Einstein said, ” It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” God help us all.

  7. I love the new world order, I just painted my house yellow and blue and my non-binary openly gay 8 year old child absolutely loves it. We not only got quad boosted we actually drink shots of the vaccine every 2 hours plus I now have 4 masks on as we speak. If you want to own things and eat real meat you are racist and transphobic and are anti science plus hate grannies and puppies.

  8. Klaus Schwab and his minions will dump billions into our county and line the pockets of our elected officials to turn our city and county over to them. If you think it’s bad now, just wait and we’ll see corruption driven by greed to no end. These smart cities are nothing more than digital prisons hidden behind the vail of technological advancement and most people don’t have enough knowledge and research under their belts to understand the direct threat to our freedom that this brings.

  9. Completely against this. EPB installed smart meters on houses without the knowledge of the homeowner. These smart meters are dangerous. Raise the alarm. The smart thing is to intrude on the privacy of the people. To control the people. Let’s make this test pilot fail. They make it as if it is harmless then they implement its real purpose.

  10. Y’all better get active and slam your city council and mayor for this. You are going to be one of the first cities in earth that enslaves its citizens and how pathetic in allegedly red Tennessee. I guess your politicians have be bough by the powers that ought not be. Challenge them and get rid of them. This is an utter disgrace. Apathy enslaves then kills.

  11. I thought I read recently that the state prevented these types of globalist plans from being set up anywhere in the state?

    1. I agree fight like he’ll to get city council our and everything involves too. These bought out politicians are the same as Ca Grewsome Newsome. People in Ca don’t vote for anything that’s happening there and the same is happening here. Wake up TN!

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