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Press Release –
The Stuart Heights Biblical Counseling Center will be holding a seminar on Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and related Issues.
Event Details
Protecting Children from Exploitation
Date: June 22, 2024
Time: 1PM – 4PM Eastern
Stuart Heights Baptist Church – Biblical Counseling Center
1505 Cloverdale Drive
Hixson, TN 37343
The Seminar Will Focus On
• protecting children from predators in the community and online
• protecting children from online porn exposure and other harmful genres
• how the church can help those who struggle with gender identity issues
A link to register is provided below. A free will offering will be taken.
Complete THIS FORM to register for the free seminar.
For more information call the Biblical Counseling Center at 423 877 7875.
3 Responses
I’d want to protect my children from the likes of Gabrielle Hanson, the unsuccessful mayorial candidate in Williamson County last year, who actually did time for grooming young girls for heterosexual child prostitution. These so-called Moms For Liberty and so-called Proud Boys who attack drag queens have no desire to “protect” children but to allow abusive foster parents to have custody of LGBT children for the purpose of abusing and molesting them. You right-wingers don’t fool me. Don’t mess with my family or loved ones!
First of all, I came from a very loving family who enabled me to succeed in life and who stood by me. Secondly, these drag queens do not molest children. They will often tell stories in the presence of the children’s parents at public libraries and often provide a source of comfort for trans-children and other abandoned children to assure these children that somebody cares for them and will not abuse them they way these Republicans like Gabrielle Hanson, Bill Lee, and their likes would do. To force teachers to publicly reveal if their students are trans-gender to biased and bigoted parents or to allow others to bully and molest these trans-children is obscene. That is certainly not victim’s rights! If the likes of Gabrielle Hanson who did time for grooming young girls for heterosexual male-on-female rape/prostitution are your role models, then God help these children! Many of the “John’s” who have sex with these under-aged female prostitutes are the same Republican law-makers who fancy themselves as “pillars of society”. Republican Roy Moore who ran unsuccessfully in Alabama against Doug Jones five years ago was a pedophile whom that state’s governor, Kay Ivey, supported, knowing full well that he was a pedophile, and yet she has the unmitigated gall to call herself a “victims’ rights” advocate. Gimme a break! She and her fellow Republican law-makers are the “John’s” and “Janes” who prey on these children. So, don’t lecture me about morality, Rainey.
William, I am not lecturing you about morality, I am just asking why you must always stir the pot here and don’t say ya don’t do it on purpose knowing full well you are not going to be well received with your commentary. I don’t care if you believe drag queens don’t cause harm to children, the question is WHY push this on them and everyone else in the first place? If you can’t admit there is a motive, an actual agenda here then you aren’t worth even having a real conversation with because that would mean you are absolutely clueless. Over half of America is not happy about this and we aren’t all wrong….Bud Light William? That didn’t go so well for them, did it? How about the recent Tractor Supply backpedal? Target hiding their tuck friendly creepywear because PARENTS GOT OUTRAGED, and rightfully so! So….comon William, wake up, it is WRONG. I am not defending or saying that nobody on “the right side” has done nothing wrong because that is just as ignorant, but I will never, ever defend the LGBTQRSTUV so you can feel accepted by society and neither will over half of America, so quit trying to defend and justify this obvious agenda from a FRINGE GROUP pushing it to destroy the nuclear family. Why not go hang out on their websites where your opinions will be celebrated? I have no doubt there are plenty of those spaces out in the cyber world. You aren’t going to convince anyone here, sorry, just sayin. I never go on liberal websites and stir the pot!
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling, selfish brats.
~ Author unknown.