
“Indifference To Evil Is More Insidious Than Evil Itself. It Is A Silent Justification Affording Evil Acceptability In Society.” ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel quote meme


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  1. Abraham Heschel is a Polish-American rabbi and Jewish theologian and philosopher, who was a leader in the civil rights movement and a professor of Jewish mysticism.

    iow, a Krank!

    Nobody in America is indifferent, rabbi. In fact, we’re all hopping mad and,,,,frustrated.

    The political system our Anglo ancestors set up to resolve public policy has been usupred by none other than mystic Polish rabbis.

    There is nothing evil about public policy, bureaucarcy (sorry Hannah Arendt) nor government nor even violence.
    Evil is the offspring of irreconcilable differences when neither party knows that it is time to part company.
    Maybe reconciliation is the task of a future generation.
    But fighting over “good” and “evil” means nothing less than Total War in Clausewitz’s sense of anihilation : of a “good” so good and an “evil” so evil that the sacrifice of an entire civilization itself is worth victory : a Phyrric victory at best.

    That is something the Jewish people reserved for themselves and, unfortuneatley, America picked up on around the time of the Civil War.

    Ask Winston Churchill : Chaim Weizman.

    The “City on a Hill” had no military exponent until the waves of immigration from Eastern Europe, nor did “The Melting Pot” play.

    Sorry, but nobody likes to be melted. There is no universal good nor evil, except for cucks who lost their home and don’t realize that it’s when it is time to quit.

    Choose life. Theodor Herzl is dead and gone.

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