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The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
A resolution that would have served as a symbolic showing of support for Palestine failed during the Knoxville City Council meeting on Tuesday.
The proposal, initiated by council member Amelia Parker, did not receive a “second” from any other city council members. Because there was no “second,” a vote on the resolution could not take place.
The resolution asked the federal government to work towards a permanent ceasefire and also referenced the city council’s “support and solidarity” with the people of Palestine. Parker claimed the measure was not about choosing a side but about supporting people who had been the victims of what she likened to a war crime.
Once the proposal failed, several people in attendance at the meeting chanted “Ceasefire now” and “Free Palestine.” Some protestors also got on the stage with Palestinian flags, causing the meeting to go into a recess.
Some community members argued that Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon’s March visit to Jerusalem is what led to the Israel-Hamas war becoming a focal point in the city. They believe that passing the resolution would have shared a positive message of support.
Others argued that the resolution would have caused more “divisiveness and hate” in the community. Many stated that the issue was complicated and was not something that should be brought into city-centered discussions, asking instead why the city would consider becoming involved in something that was taking place thousands of miles away.
Currently, there has been no discussion of revisiting the issue with any additional resolutions or proposals.
6 Responses
Looked up the marxist that brought the antisemitic resolution up, that explains it. WTF does this have to do with Knoxville? These dems are pathetic yet the low information voters keep electing them. Knoxville is going to turn into the reset of the large cities in this country if it is not already too late. I fear what will happen without the opposition of the Knox County Mayor if a marxist takes his place.
Agreed, many people don’t get involved thinking it will never change but when you have brain washed college kids doing what their Marxist professors tell them to do, it’s no wonder Knoxville is moving towards Marxism.
We need average every day joes who still live this country to stand up, pray up and get involved!
Help me keep Knox County conservative. I’m running for Knox County Commission District 9. Keeping the county conservative will be an influence on the city, rather than the other way around with go-along to get-along establishment Republicans.
Agreed, many people don’t get involved thinking it will never change but when you have brain washed college kids doing what their Marxist professors tell them to do, it’s no wonder Knoxville is moving towards Marxism.
We need average every day joes who still love this country to stand up, pray up and get involved!
See my response to Jeremy Johnson’s post, below, regarding Knox County.
“Marxist” and “anti-semitic” epitets don’ t mean much if anything.
America has its own progressive-conservative divide which is actually entirely liberal in the over all scheme of things.
The Paleistinian Question would be none of our business had not our Jewish-Americans and “The Isreal Lobby” made it so.
Due diligence reveals however, that the very Jews asking for $14 billion dollars are, and have been steadily liquidating the native Palestinian population since 1919 and now, in its possibly final act, the Isrealis have become ghoulish monsters.
Ironically, the very people sperging “Holocaust” are doing it themselves and no, I’m no, “Marxist”.
Far from it.
“Protests” are ridiculous, unless you really can’t find a date, I guess.
But in this case, the “Marxists” are actually right. See Dr. John Mearscheimer – that will lead to other authors. The Palestine Question is well documented.
American “conservatives” are actually ignorant on the subject, I guess, because it is a genuine case of victimhood.
Palestine had been an ethnically diverse area under the Ottoman’s including Jews, who all probably got along better than here since the Turks didn’t dernigrate their lower classes like American White Elites do.
Western Zionists moving into the area after WW1 under League of Nations Mandate caused all the trouble.
What conservatives call “anti-Semitism” is actually an East-West culture clash.
Isrealis are the Martha’s Vineyard crowd-“Immigrants for thee but nnot for me”-get rid of “locals” who are basically Arab peasants-send them elsewhere.
Ironically, however, they keep the Paleistinians incarcerated while dual citizen, cosmopolitan Isrelis insist the area is their exclusive homeland which was never true and it is they who could move much more easily than the Palestinains.
The region would like Isreal gone too. They are bad neighbors, bomb things and are an exponent of U.S. influence which is also resented but the regional powers never united, until now, under Chinese influence.
After a century of suffering, Hamas finallty figured they’d have to fight and figured out how to do it. For all the hooopla, it was brillinat. They got what they wanted as well as revenge.
Natenyahu is on the verge of provoking a regional war in which the IDF has proven ineffective, the U.S. is isolated and lacks resources and a Russian army is now on the Syrain-Isreali biorder, under the tricolor, not PMC. If Erdogen mobilizes his 2 million men, the rest of the region will follow and there will be no Isreal. China will become regional hegemon if it isn’t alrady, possibly global.
None of these powers want war-it’s the Jews, American and Isreali who are jerking Congress-fools one and all!
The Saudis are already abandoning the petro-dollar so, with any luck, our economy will tank first. The last treasury Bond auction was a dud for the first time.
I doubt there will be “terror” attacks here since Russia et al know that “We the People” are not his enemy-WDC is.
They are our enemy, too. They really dion’t like us.