Lee Administration Hikes Pay For Majority Of Tennessee Executive Branch

Lee Administration Hikes Pay For Majority Of Tennessee Executive Branch

Lee Administration Hikes Pay For Majority Of Tennessee Executive Branch

Image: Governor Lee and Jim Bryson at the Tennessee Budget Hearings in November Image Credit: Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

According to a letter sent to the Tennessee General Assembly, almost three-fourths of Tennessee’s executive branch employees will get a pay raise when their next paychecks are issued on December 15th.

Juan Williams, Commissioner of Human Resources, and Jim Bryson, Commissioner of Finance and Administrations described the pay increases in the following letter obtained by TNJ: On the Hill

Dear Honorable Members of the Tennessee General Assembly,

It is with tremendous excitement that we announce the implementation of a new salary structure for Executive Branch employees.

The changes result from a statewide compensation study conducted to evaluate the State of Tennessee’s competitiveness to attract and retain best-in-class talent. Over the past six weeks, agency HROs, CFOs, and compensation leaders across the Executive Branch have been preparing to implement this historic investment in our state’s workforce. We would like to thank each of you for providing the funds necessary to keep Tennessee State Government more competitive with current market conditions.

Today, employees will receive an email communication that aligns with one of the four salary adjustment outcomes listed below:

1. Employees being brought to the minimum+ 1% of their salary grade: “It has been determined that your current salary will be increased to align with the new salary structure. You will be brought to 1% above the minimum of your new salary grade. You will be able to view your new salary in Edison starting today, which will be reflected in your paycheck on December 15, 2022.”

2. Employees receiving an adjustment due to compression: “It has been determined that your current salary will be increased to align with the new salary structure. More specifically, your salary adjustment ensures an appropriate placement within the new range to account for compression and to maintain pay equity among employees based on proficiency levels and reporting relationships. You will be able to view your new salary in Edison starting today, which will be reflected in your paycheck on December 15, 2022.”

3. Employees currently paid a market competitive salary and not receiving an adjustment: “After a careful review of your current position and salary, we are pleased to inform you that you are currently paid at or above the competitive market rate for your role. Therefore, your next opportunity for a pay increase will coincide with your annual performance evaluation.”

4. Executive Branch employees currently paid based on a different salary structure and not receiving an adjustment: “Based on your current role or circumstance, there will be no impact on your compensation from the implementation of the new Executive Branch salary structure. As a reminder, compensation adjustments to your role are determined by a separate process. Therefore, this change does not impact your immediate compensation or opportunity for increases in the future.”

Due to the allocation of funds from the State Legislature, 73% of employees who fall under the new salary structure will receive a pay increase. This is a tremendous investment and positive step forward in attracting and retaining best-in-class talent to the State.

On behalf of the Executive Branch employees of the State of Tennessee, we want to thank you for all your support. We are excited about the State’s investment in its people and showing them that the State of Tennessee is a great place to work.

~Juan Williams, Commissioner of Human Resources, and Jim Bryson, Commissioner of Finance and Administrations

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