Measure Making Tennessee A Second Amendment Sanctuary State Passes Senate

Measure making Tennessee a Second Amendment sanctuary passes Senate

Measure Making Tennessee A Second Amendment Sanctuary State Passes Senate

Photo: Senator Joey Hensley (R) from Hohenwald moves to have the Senate vote on Senate Bill 1335 in it’s third and final consideration.

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Published April 27, 2021

By Jon Styf [The Center Square contributor] –

The Tennessee Senate voted Monday to make the state a Second Amendment sanctuary.

Senate Bill 1335 says the state will not enforce any potential federal laws or orders that it believes violate the Second Amendment and will deem them “null, void, and unenforceable.”

Tennessee Capitol Building in Nashville

The measure also “prohibits the state and political subdivisions from using public resources to enforce, administer, or cooperate with the enforcement or administration of any such treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation.”

Much of the Senate debate on the bill Monday centered on whether the state had the authority to create a sanctuary in this manner.

Sen. Jeff Yarbro, D-Nashville, said the bill was “nullification” of federal acts that has not been allowed since the days of Andrew Jackson in 1832.

“It is foolishness for we as a Legislature to claim an authority that we do not have,” Yarbro said. “Nothing about this will strengthen Second Amendment protections. It will be dead letter. We should pass legislation that will actually do something.”

Sen. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains, said the bill would be similar to what many states have done by legalizing marijuana, using California and Washington as examples, despite the federal laws making the substance illegal.

“Nullification is alive and well, and I am all for it,” Niceley said.

Sen. Brian Kelsey, R-Germantown, disagreed and said the bill, which passed with a 23-4 vote, had “nothing to do with nullification.”

The House is set to discuss and vote on its companion measure Thursday. Oklahoma, Montana, Arizona and Nebraska have created and passed similar laws this year.

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8 Responses

  1. Sen Yarbo is nothing more than a Biden Yes Man. He needs to realize that the majority of Tennesseans are legal gun owners who have done nothing wrong. But liberals know it all!

    1. I agree with you, Mr. Price. In watching Tn. Senate proceedings to see this Nashville Senator Yarbro “in action” is astonishing. The guy is always on the “wrong side” of an issue. Like the old question was asked, “Where did he go to school???” Where ever it was he went to school, WARNING don’t allow your children to go to this INDOCTRINE CENTER that teaches against Americanism and Freedom. For God & Country

  2. I am in favor of constitutional carry, but I would like to see the local sheriffs offer classes for those who have no idea about what a responsible citizen has to know about state and federal laws. Recently I took my state’s CPL class and some of the students in the classroom had never held a firearm before. Such classes would help make sure the gun owner doesn’t kill someone without proper justification, how to safely handle firearms and ammo, and how to carry legally (where carrying is banned, alcohol consumption, churches, etc.). An informed and responsible gun owner is safe gun owner.

  3. What about states that nullified US Immigration laws and let illegal immigrants run rough shod over citizens. Yarbo, you need to sit down and hush.

  4. I expect all responsible Tennessee Politicians, National Guardsmen , and Law Enforcement Officers to never enforce any unconstitutional mandates from the Federal Government at all. It doesn’t take a corrupted Supreme Court or a Rocket Scientist to tell me what I can read for myself. The right to keep and bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED UPON . . . PERIOD !!! What part of that isn’t clear ?

    It’s just like when I was in the Army, no one is required to follow or comply with any illegal order . I also would expect that our State Authorities would arrest any and all Federal Authorities that try and enforce unconstitutional laws within the state of Tennessee , place them under arrest and try them for treason.

  5. This is great, now we need a 1st amendment sanctuary so we can ensure the voices that keep things sane are not shunted by the insane voices. The loss of 1st amendment rights in public media and especially in our schools is why complete none sense like Critical Race Theory (that’s theory as in its not a fact it’s a guess) is being taught to our children and young adults.

  6. I am for any law, article or amendment which guarantees US citizens the right to own guns as indicated by the Bill of Rights. Congress and this President need to read the Bill of Rights and concentrate their efforts on illegal immigrants being smuggled into the US to vote Democrat. I’m so blessed to live in a Southern independent state.

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