Nashville Private School Accused of Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Claims

Nashville Private School Accused of Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Claims

Nashville Private School Accused of Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Claims

Image Credit: University School of Nashville (USN/PDS)  / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

A few months ago, Dean Masullo was fired from University School of Nashville (USN) after a student accused him of sexual misconduct. Now the student has, through her lawyer, addressed the school’s apparent lack of accountability and due process in handling her complaint and expressed concerns that USN is not doing enough to follow up on the complaints of other alumni. 

Masullo taught literature and other subjects, including Queer Cinema, for 15 years at USN and served as the faculty advisor to the school’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance, and according to a self-written biography, has been married for over 20 years with a grown son. 

The student, identified as Jane Doe for her anonymity and protection, filed her complaint after months of supposedly being harassed by Masullo.

Allegedly, the teacher began to “groom” Doe by isolating her with independent study periods where they would watch movies alone in the classroom. The behavior supposedly escalated to inappropriate touches, including “uncomfortable” hugs, trying to hold Doe’s hand, kisses to the forehead and cheek, and attempting to lure Doe to his hotel room during a school trip. 

Doe reported Masullo to her advisor and then several USN teachers who in turn involved USN leadership. The Southern Association of Independent Schools requires a school to engage three parties for these situations: a crisis response team for the student, an independent investigative team, and lawyers to represent the school.

However, USN supposedly neglected the first two directives and only hired an attorney from the firm Fisher Phillips, known for representing employer interests in labor or employment matters. 

After her initial report and USN’s engagement of their attorney, Doe claims she stopped receiving any information regarding the investigation despite her attempts to reach out to school leadership, inclusive of trying to provide information about other USN alumni who had contacted her claiming to have had similar experiences with Masullo.

Doe states she was only ever allowed to speak to the attorney, who said they would not be reaching out to any alumni. The issue was also never made public. 

Though USN’s supposed investigation did result in Masullo’s removal and termination, Doe’s attorney, former prosecutor Alex Little, sent a letter to USN’s board of directors, detailing Doe’s accounts, requesting clarification about USN’s stance on the issue, and an apology from the administration to those involved for its poor handling of the situation.

Ultimately, Little’s letter states that Doe has no litigious intentions but desires that USN better its policies and systems to prevent similar incidents. Little relayed that there has been no response from the board of directors.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroot organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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