***Update 3.7.22 – Even though the capitol.tn.gov website does not reflect this, our sources have told us that Warner’s HB2486 is dead in the House of Representatives and that the Senate sponsor of the bill, Senator Mark Pody, is taking the bill off notice in the Senate.***
Image Credit: Jamie Pappu Hall / Facebook
The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –
Tennesseans were outraged when a patients rights caption bill failed on Tuesday before they had a chance to speak. Doctors and citizens from all over Tennessee traveled to the Nashville Capitol, packing the Health Subcommittee room and hallways, to testify on behalf of the bill sponsored by Representative Todd Warner (R-Lewisburg-D92).
The Healthcare Recipient Rights Act would ensure that patients are allowed visitation by family members and advocates in the case of inability to make one’s own medical decisions. In addition, it requires informed consent for treatments that are authorized for emergency use only.
Warner was promised by Health Subcommittee Chair Bob Ramsey (R-Maryville-D20) that advocates of HB2486 would be allowed to share their testimony in support of the bill. One of the people waiting to speak was Alysha Rodriguez who took her 36 year old, active, fit husband to the emergency room last year because he was having trouble breathing. Despite having medical power of attorney, she was not allowed in to be with him or advocate for him and he died after a 9 day stay.
When the subcommittee reached the bill on the agenda, Ramsey announced that no action would be taken on the bill because they had run out of time. He agreed to give Warner 10 minutes for 3 speakers, but before allowing them to speak he asked for a motion and a second on the bill. After a motion was made by Representative David Byrd (R-Waynesboro-District 71) to hear the bill, but no second was offered, Ramsey announced that the bill had failed and therefore no testimony would be allowed.
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Commenting on what transpired, Gary Humble, of Tennessee Stands, said, “It is one of the most egregious things I’ve ever seen.” He pointed out that the majority of the Health Subcommittee is made up of Republicans. “It’s not Democrats who are killing these bills… it’s Republicans.”
In a Facebook Live video taken by a Hixson resident, attendees can be seen yelling at the subcommittee members to “do your jobs” as they exit the room.
House Health Subcommittee – Republican members:
Bob Ramsey (Chair) – rep.bob.ramsey@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3560
Clark Boyd – rep.clark.boyd@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7086
David Byrd – rep.david.byrd@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2190
Mark Hall – rep.mark.hall@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1350
Pat Marsh – rep.pat.marsh@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6824
Paul Sherell – rep.paul.sherell@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1963
Robin Smith – rep.robin.smith@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2548
Bryan Terry – rep.bryan.terry@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2180
About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at paula@tennesseeconservativenews.com.
6 Responses
They should of tore that place down (Figuratively). People are getting tired of these High horse politicians ignoring the people on legitimate matters.
The facts of this issue with these committee members needs to be published for there constituents. Hopefully the voters of there districts will teach these legislators to listen to the people or get voted out.
If one of these Health Subcommittee members is your representative call them text them email them every day, twice a day until they meet again on the 8th of March. Tell them they need to listen and get to work for the people, not the PACS OR LOBBYISTS! Even if these legislators aren’t your reps call text email three times a day for a week! Wake them all up!
Sad to say, We the People have been trampled upon so often that they have given up. Robin Smith is one legislator who has no competition in her upcoming race and she will be a shoe-in as a result. That’s just one of them. We have to get active and find people who will challenge these high horses. That’s the only answer! Due to draconian rules, it’s already to late to replace her. These rules need to be changed. Anybody should be able to run up to the last day before the election and we should be voting on hand-written ballots!
CALL his office, 615 741 3560!! I did, told her to tell him this was despicable. Dang puke NEEDS to hear from MANY more.
Bob Ramsey has been there way too long and has a looooong history of abusing his chair position to work against bills he doesn’t like. He is also the worst state legislator when it comes to illegal immigration. https://dailyrollcall.com/tennessees-worst-pro-illegal-immigration-gop-state-legislators/
He’s among the worst Tennessee GOP has to offer.