Patsy Hazlewood’s “Pro-Life” Voting Record

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Patsy Hazlewood’s “Pro-Life” Voting Record

Image Credit: Patsy Hazlewood / Facebook

By Scarlen Valderaz [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] –

The overturning of Roe V. Wade in 2022 created a “rubber meets the road” moment for every Republican candidate that ran on a pro-life platform. This historic Supreme Court decision gave the responsibility of protecting the unborn back to the states thus allowing for every politician’s true colors to show on the issue. 

We know that protecting the life of the unborn isn’t a Democrat priority, but it is a Republican one, or so we thought. When a politician (especially an incumbent) claims to be pro-life, voters expect them to vote pro-life. Their voting record must prove that they are in fact, pro-life. 

The Tennessee State House race in District 27 has been exciting as Republican voters have a choice for the first time in a decade. The race is between incumbent Patsy Hazlewood and newcomer Michele Reneau. Both claim they are pro-life but only one has the voting record to prove her claim and unfortunately that voting record has been eye opening for new and existing voters. 

A dive into Hazelwood’s pro-life voting record brings some past votes to question. 

In 2019, Hazelwood’s voting record shows her as not present for the Human Life Protection Act (Trigger Bill) that would ban abortion 30 days after the Supreme Court overturns Roe V. Wade. Fortunately, the bill was signed into law by Governor Lee later that year. 

In 2020, Hazelwood’s voting record shows her as present and not voting for the Abortion Pill Reversal Bill that would instruct abortion facilities performing 50 or more abortions to post a sign letting patients know that their abortion could be reversed following the first dose of a chemical abortion. The bill also included criminal penalties and civil actions for any facility not in compliance. This bill was passed in the house but not heard in the senate as it was included as an amendment to Governor Lee’s Omnibus Bill with TRL Amendment to add Abortion Pill Reversal Bill (HB2263) in which Hazelwood chose to abstain from voting once more. 

One could have many explanations as to why they abstained from a vote or were not present but in the case of protecting the unborn, none are valid. 

We live in an age of smartphones where information is easily accessible at the tap of a finger. There are many national and local pro-life organizations ready to answer questions regarding the issue of abortion.

Chattanooga is home to an incredible pregnancy center with knowledgeable employees ready to answer questions pertaining to abortion. Chattanooga also has a Tennessee Right to Life chapter ready to assist. The lack of information or knowledge cannot be an excuse to abstain or not be present to vote for legislation that will protect the unborn from inhumane and brutal murder. 

To be clear, this is not an attack on Hazlewood’s character, rather a peek into her voting record on the issue of abortion as shown on our state’s website.

In a time where the unborn continue to be unjustly slaughtered nationwide, our state must remain abortion free. District 27 needs a bold representative who will never waver or give an inch on this issue. The woman for the job is Michele Reneau who has been endorsed by Tennessee Right to Life

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