Pro-CRT Activists Deface Tennessee Billboards

Pro-CRT Activists Deface Tennessee Billboards

Pro-CRT Activists Deface Tennessee Billboards

Image Credit: INDECLINE / Twitter

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –

Supporters of Critical Race Theory continue their vandalism, this time defacing a billboard belonging to a family-owned, local business in West Tennessee.

The billboard, which advertises local retail seed company Beck’s, reads “Founded in Faith, Forged in America” and features the company logo. The company logo was covered with the words “White Supremacy.”


Artist collective group INDECLINE has claimed responsibility for the alterations to the sign, saying it is their response to recent state legislation that prohibits schools from including teachings or trainings that involve critical race theory or other divisive concepts. 

A spokesperson for INDECLINE told WBBJ that they were trying to prove a point with the new verbiage on the sign.

“This isn’t an indictment on Jackson. It’s an indictment on Tennessee. On a broader scale, the entire idea that a lot of these southern states are still in their way working on this Lost Cause narrative and figuring out ways to keep this information out of classrooms and out of people’s brains,” the spokesperson said.


According to the group, their intention was not to target Beck’s specifically, and they felt they made the public aware of that.

“We deliberately went over their logo to exonerate them from having a part of that conversation,” they continued.

INDECLINE insists that they are not out to harm anyone, and they believe that breaking laws and risking their own safety is worth the potential of spreading their message.

“There’s a big difference between taking a Molotov cocktail and hitting a building with it, and protesting and going up and putting a thought-provoking sticker on a billboard on an advertisement. There’s a vast difference.  One encourages critical thought and the other is just simply destruction,” they said.

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This is not the first time the group has vandalized billboards in Tennessee. In October 2021, the group defaced two Geico billboards in Memphis. 

The Geico billboards originally read, “Geico, See all the ways you could save.” After the group was finished, they read, “Defund police. See all the lives you could save.”


At the time of that incident, the group told WREG that they believed reducing the role of police would be as much of a benefit to the safety of those officers as it would be to the lives of citizens.

It only took about twelve hours before Jackson police were able to remove the billboard. They are continuing to investigate the incident.

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at

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2 Responses

  1. If the group wants to take credit for their bullshit, they should pay the bill for fixing it. The advertiser paid good money for the billboard and should be compensated for the stupidity of the defacers.

  2. When I was a kid, painting over something was just the same, as tearing it down…both ways you slice it, it’s destruction of private property. Apparently, this wacko, kid never got a butt beating for doing stupid stuff as a kid! Now, our state and society has to put up with him breaking the law, despite his little pea brained mind not being able to wrap itself around destruction of property. Seems the Jackson Police just need to talk to a real reporter, at Tennessee Conservative to find out this guy’s whereabouts and go arrest him! But, I’m sure his parent will just bail him out again!

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