Republican Lawmaker Files Resolution That Could Oust Shelby County District Attorney

Republican Lawmaker Files Resolution That Could Oust Shelby County District Attorney

Republican Lawmaker Files Resolution That Could Oust Shelby County District Attorney

Image Credit: Senator Brent Taylor / Facebook & Shelby County DA’s Office

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A Republican lawmaker has filed a resolution that is the first step in ousting a Shelby County District Attorney.

Senate Joint Resolution 0026 (SJR0026) would appoint a committee to authorize the Speakers of the House and Senate to, in turn, appoint their own committee who would consider the removal of D.A. Steven J. Mulroy who currently serves the 30th Judicial District.

In the resolution, Senator Brent Taylor (R-Memphis-District 31) states that Mulroy has committed “serious ethical violations” while abusing his authority by “pursuing a personal and partisan agenda in violation of State law and his oath of office.”

Taylor is calling for Mulroy’s removal for several reasons listed in the resolution which are:

1. His participation in an “illegal commutation of a criminal sentence” and which is the subject of an ongoing investigation.

2. Mismanaging the office of District Attorney General which include fiscal irresponsibility and employment practices.

3. Not upholding and respecting the rights guaranteed to crime victims

4. “Abuses of discretion” that infringe on the legislative authority of the General Assembly

According to the resolution, the Speakers would each appoint five members from their respective legislative bodies to form the joint committee which would have the power to issue subpoenas, enforce the attendance of witnesses, and the production of records, documents, papers and any other evidence.

If the committee determined that a hearing was warranted, Mulroy would receive written notice of the time and location at least ten days prior. At the conclusion of any hearing, the committee would vote to either recommend removal or against the recommendation to remove.

Within ten days of that vote, a report would be filed with the two Speakers who would then convene the General Assembly to act on the report and vote for or against removing Mulroy. Two-thirds of the members of each chamber would have to vote for removal in order for Mulroy to be removed from office.

Over a year ago, Taylor said the Mulroy seemed to be working with liberal justice reform groups to allow dangerous criminals to remain free by eliminating bail.

Mulroy’s partnerships with groups such as Justice Innovation Lab, Vera Institute, and Just City made him “weak,” said Taylor who serves on the Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee.

“They all advocate ending cash bail,” said Taylor. “They all support lenient prosecutions.”

Mulroy has stated that his focus is on “reducing violent crime and justice reform” but Taylor has argued that Mulroy is not following legislation from state lawmakers that was passed with the intent of cracking down on crime.

“What we have in Shelby County, unfortunately, is a progressive DA. But what we need is an aggressive DA,” said Taylor speaking to Action News 5, “We need someone who is serious about prosecuting these people who are committing these crimes and incarcerating them. That’s the only way we’re going to send a message that there are true consequences to their actions.”

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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