Social Justice Group In Hamilton County Plan To Buy More Queer Books For Community

Social Justice Group In Hamilton County Plan To Buy More Queer Books For Community

Social Justice Group In Hamilton County Plan To Buy More Queer Books For Community

Image Credit: Public Domain

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

Chattanooga Moms for Social Justice has organized a fundraiser to buy “queer” books for the community. The group has stated publicly,  “Don’t let anyone tell you differently. We ARE the majority. Our community loves and cares about queer youth and making safe spaces.” 

Skate with PRIDE will be held at Hamilton Skate Place this weekend.

Let’s kick off pride month with a 16+ skate night on Sunday, May 29 from 7:30 – 9:30 PM at Hamilton Skate Place!

Attendees will pay $20 at the door and all the profits from the event will go toward buying queer books for the community!

There will be pizza and drinks for purchase at the skating rink, great music, arcade games, a photo booth, and much more.

Skate with PRIDE with Moms for Social Justice!

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Earlier this year, the Hamilton County Chapter of Moms for Liberty discovered that the group had been allowed “to go wild” stocking the shelves of fifteen K-12 schools in Hamilton County since 2018.

Funded by a local philanthropic organization called the Osborne Group, Moms for Social Justice installed libraries in Hamilton County schools using donations from the group. 

According to Moms for Liberty, Moms for Social Justice had a specific criteria in mind for the books they chose and would not accept books from people in the community who offered to donate. Instead they “worked with experts in our community to finely tune a diverse and inclusive reading list, according to student population and grade level.”


The Skate with PRIDE event, which was originally for adults only, will also have “fun, glowing, pride stuff” for participants to purchase and Moms for Social Justice suggest bringing cash to “tip some of the incredible performers” that will also be in attendance.

Moms for Social Justice also hosted a speakeasy themed event earlier this month at The Book & Cover in Chattanooga where attendees were invited to “bring a challenged book to donate” or purchase one while there.

Parents in counties all across Tennessee have been made aware of questionable content in some of the books at their children’s disposal in school libraries. Country singer John Rich of Williamson County met with the governor and Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn in January. In a tweet, Rich said “They told me new legislation will be put on the docket this session to deal with “literature” that our kids are being exposed to containing obscene and pornographic content. They listened. We’ll see.”

In March, Governor Bill Lee signed into law The Age Appropriate Materials Act that requires that each public school establish and maintain a list of all the materials in the school’s library to be posted on the school’s website. The Act also requires that each local board of education and public charter school governing body must adopt a policy to establish procedures for the development and review of school library collections.

Amanda Price, who heads up the Wilson County chapter of Moms for Liberty, where several books have been brought before a review committee would like to see a Universal Book Content rating system for library books. Price said, “Some of the books… could potentially be rated R or NC17 in movie form.”

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5 Responses

  1. They like to think they are the majority but they are not. Think a good book burning party would be in order to get rid of trash with a few Smores and Roasted Hot Dogs!! LOL

  2. Someone please attend this event in Chattanooga! Film the organizers! GIVE THEM NAMES! And someone find out where the funding comes from for the OSBORNE GROUP! Guaranty you it is laundered DIRTY MONEY BEING FUNNELED THROUGH MULTIPLE “CHARITIES”.

  3. WHY would any one promote this kind of life style? what has happened to our country?

  4. This is not the only place our children are being confronted with this sort of disgusting mess.
    Check out this website DQSH. It’s already going on in TN. Check out their poster child on the site. Scary looking freak. I only know of 1 Senator taking this on and he is in OH. I think we should be stopping the misuse of taxpayer funds to our libraries & schools also for this. The comment below is from the web site: (type in drag queen story hour in your search engine)

    Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.

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