Standing Up To Cancel Culture! – Interview With Julie Mauck & Peter Barwick

The Alphabet Mafia, AKA the LGBTQIA+ movement in her current area tried to CANCEL her and ruin her business….
All because she suggested that an obscene book be moved from the children’s section of the local library to the adult section.

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Superintendent Jason Golden Says Title IX Changes Will Be Enforced In Williamson County Schools

Superintendent Jason Golden Has Stated That Title IX Changes Imposed On States By The Biden Administration Will, In Fact, Be Enforced In Williamson County Schools.

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Father’s Day 2024 May Be the Most Important One in History… Protecting Daughters From Title IX

On Sunday, Families Will Gather To Celebrate Father’s Day. Fathers Will Smile As They Unwrap ‘World’s Best Dad’ Mugs And Rush Through Breakfast To Make It To Their Well-Deserved Tee Times. What If, Instead Of Receiving Gifts, Fathers Gave Their Daughters One By Vowing To Protect Them From The New Title IX Regulations Taking Effect On August 1, 2024?

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In The Den With The Mama Bears… Williamson County Moms For Liberty !

Love These Ladies!

Brandon Lewis, Founder Of The Tennessee Conservative, Joins The Williamson County Chapter Of Moms For Liberty To Give Them A Legislative Update For This Session Of The Tennessee General Assembly And More!

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Moms For Liberty Williamson County Meeting To Feature Speaker Brandon Lewis Of The Tennessee Conservative

Back By Popular Demand, Brandon Lewis, Founder Of The Tennessee Conservative, Will Be Joining The Williamson County Chapter Of Moms For Liberty For An Evening Of Discussion On A Variety Of Important Issues.

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Knox County Schools Met With Backlash Over LGBTQ+ Titles Available In School Libraries

In Knox County Schools, Two Books Available In School Libraries Have Been Discovered And Have Caused A Stir. KCS Leaders Have Decided To Establish Committees To Review Titles That May Contain Questionable Material Generally Relating To Sex, Drugs, And Violence.

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Leftist Agitator Allegedly Employed By Woke Vanderbilt Medical Center

A Group Of Counter-Protestors Or “Agitators” Made Their Presence Known During The Tennessee Conservative’s Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally Last Week. This Resulted In Broken Glass And At Least Two Volunteers Being Shoved To The Ground. One Agitator In Particular Stood Out To Rally Attendees…

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Tennesseans Stand Up Against Illegal Immigration At Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally At State Capitol

Over 200 Conservative Tennesseans Lined The Steps Of The State Capitol On Wednesday Afternoon In Support Of The Tennessee Conservative’s Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally.

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Video Footage: Protect Tennessee Border’s Rally In Nashville!

The Tennessee Conservative Hosted the Protect TN’s Borders Rally on March 20th, 2024 in Nashville on the Capitol steps behind Beth Harwell Plaza at 1PM Central time.

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Patriots Are Preparing To Protect Tennessee’s Borders!

The Momentum Is Building…

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