Father’s Day 2024 May Be the Most Important One in History… Protecting Daughters From Title IX

Father’s Day 2024 May Be the Most Important One in History... Protecting Daughters From Title IX

Father’s Day 2024 May Be the Most Important One in History… Protecting Daughters From Title IX

Image Credit: canva

submitted by Sheri Super [Chapter Chair Mom’s For Liberty -Knox County Chapter] –

On Sunday, families will gather to celebrate Father’s Day. Fathers will smile as they unwrap ‘World’s Best Dad’ mugs and rush through breakfast to make it to their well-deserved tee times. What if, instead of receiving gifts, Fathers gave their daughters one by vowing to protect them from the new Title IX regulations taking effect on August 1, 2024?

The U.S. Department of Education released new Title IX regulations that are unconstitutional, erase women and girls, eliminate due process, compel speech, and strip parents of their fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their child and decisions regarding their education, medical care, morality, and religion. 

Most parents are not aware of the new regulations. Parents who do know what awaits their children are outraged. Colleges and K-12 schools that accept federal funding must comply on August 1, 2024. The expectation is the federal government will argue the newly proposed Title IX regulations will supersede all state laws safeguarding parental rights, particularly concerning gender identity and sexual orientation in public education.

Title IX now requires: 

• That schools treat students who suffer, or claim to suffer, from gender dysphoria as though they were the opposite sex.

• That a male student who identifies as a female must be allowed access to facilities designated for females such as bathrooms or locker rooms and to participate in women’s sports and organizations.

• Teachers and students must refer to a gender dysphoric child by her preferred pronouns and alternative name.

• That no formal documentation be required to affirm gender identity. The administration has not provided a clear definition of gender identity. A male student could easily switch between identifying as male or female.

Other Title IX repercussions include:

• That when a female student opposes having a male on a team or in an organization intended only for women, or who feels uncomfortable sharing a locker room with a male, the female in opposition may now not only incur social stigma, but also the possibility of legal repercussions for her school, team, or organization.

• That while Title IX does not strictly require transitioning to be kept secret from parents, in the event of a conflict between Title IX and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), keywords like, “sex-based harassment” and “hostile environment sex-based harassment” overrides FERPA, thus opening the door to conceal the transitioning process.

Until now, Fathers have been virtually silent while Moms across the country have spoken out against the predations of the current culture. The US Department of Education may have poked a sleeping bear with these regulations. Faced with the prospect of their daughter sharing a bathroom or dorm room with a boy pretending to be a girl, we may see Fathers outnumbering Moms at school board meetings. What a glorious day that will be! 

On Sunday, Fathers enjoy breakfast with the kids, sip coffee out of your new mug, and when you get to the golf course tell your fellow Dads, “We Ride At Dawn!” 

Moms for Liberty welcomes all who desire to stand up for parental rights at all levels of government. We are Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grands and Friends.

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Moms for Liberty is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Moms for Liberty has over 130,000 members in 300 chapters in 48 states.

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One Response

  1. Title 9 has resulted in numerous male sports being canceled. It says you have to spend equal money on women’s sports as they do with men’s sports. If the school can’t afford the women’s program then the men’s sports get cancelled.

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