State Rep. Bulso Files Joint Resolution As First Step Toward Constitutional Protections For The Unborn

State Rep. Bulso Files Joint Resolution As First Step Toward Constitutional Protections For The Unborn

State Rep. Bulso Files Joint Resolution As First Step Toward Constitutional Protections For The Unborn

Image Credit: Gino Bulso TN State Representative / Facebook, TN Secretary of State, Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

Hot on the heels of filing his Unborn Child Protection Act of 2025, Representative Gino Bulso (R-Dist. 61- Brentwood) has filed a joint resolution proposing a state constitutional amendment which would add language protecting the unborn. 

The resolution closely mirrors some verbiage in the Unborn Child Protection Act but aims to take the rights of children in the womb to a deeper level than just a legislative bill. By enshrining those protections in the Tennessee constitution, it would ultimately be far more difficult to reverse or overturn them than a normal piece of legislation. 

House Joint Resolution (HJR0007) affirms, “That a person shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall a person be denied equal protection of the laws. As used in this section, ‘person’ includes every human being from fertilization to natural death.”

A constitutional amendment is no small feat and requires a specific procedure to eventually be placed before voters on the general ballot.

The resolution must pass two consecutive general assemblies, the first by a simple majority, then the following year’s by a two-thirds majority from each chamber.

If the amendment successfully passes through both legislative sessions, it will move onto a ballot by referendum which may only happen during a gubernatorial election year.

Finally, to become legal, the amendment must be passed by majority of voters who voted in the Governor’s race during that election.

By contrast, Democrat Aftyn Behn (Dist. 51- Nashville) filed a bill entitled the Reproductive Freedom Act which seeks to overturn recent laws restricting abortion and stands in direct contrast to Bulso’s bill.

It also oddly includes the language, “to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead fetus,” as part of its definition of abortion. This verbiage aims to skew the true meaning of the word “abortion” by including both live delivery and medically necessary removals of a child that has already died in utero.

Representative Bulso has proven himself a conservative firebrand and advocate for protecting life in all its stages, making him one of the few legislators at the capitol who seems to seriously undertake his duties to constituents not only in his district, but across the state.

All those concerned with protecting the sanctity of life are encouraged to contact their representatives and express their support for this resolution.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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6 Responses

  1. Abortion extremists are helping the Dems. Read the latest Vanderbilt poll – most people are moderates about abortion. If the Dems win, it’s all over. Abortion extremists are what stopped the “Red Wave” in 2022.
    An “embryo” is not a person anymore than sperm is a person. Look up the difference between an embryo and a fetus. Are sperm alive? They swim around and look and act alive. What’s next? Banning contraceptives?
    Since 1975 there have been 20 million abortions, 90% to poor, unwed women. They would have been on welfare and grown up to be Dems, and the Dems would have total control.
    I donated to Gino, voted for him and he put a sign in my yard, but if he pushes this, no more support from me. It’s evil to force a raped girl to have a rapist’s baby and I won’t vote for anyone who supports that evil idea.
    Trump’s a realist and he doesn’t push this. FL has a reasonable law (8 weeks) but 53% of their voters wanted that to be longer.
    And Yes, I’m a Christian and pray every day. Don’t try to imply that it is “Christian” to be an extremist about this. If you study the Gospels, you know that Jesus was not an extremist. This is simply trying to turn a religious view into law.

  2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….Gino Bulso is the boldest, conservative in the state legislature, I hope he stays in the house for another term or two and then resigns to run for Governor in the near future. He is the brightest, Constitutional legislator and for this reason, he is on a legislative roll. His superior knowledge of the constitution gives him the boldness to push these issues, but his strong, ethics and personal constitution give him the boldness to see them through….i.e., Williamson County Schools sued him and lost!!! He was on solid legal ground and had NO FEAR! How many of our politicians have the intestinal fortitude to make that legal argument? Only ONE and he serves the 61st state house district! How blessed is our state it to have such a man, leading the conservative charge. I pray that he’ll continue his strong leadership and continue to stand strong, ethically, because I’m sure other jealous politicians in the state will be looking for ways to shame or embarrass him! Stay strong my friend!

  3. Every TN Politician needs to read the Vanderbilt poll results >

    Vanderbilt University’s Fall 2024 survey canvassed 955 Tennessee registered voters from November 18 to December 4.

    “Since first being polled on this topic by Vanderbilt, Tennesseans’ identification as pro-choice has climbed from 37 percent in 2012, to 48 percent a decade later in May 2022. Today, it stands at 53 percent and likely reflects the changing nature of the debate and accompanying political environment.”

    “When asked if abortion should be legal in cases of rape, 82 percent of registered voters said yes – the same figure for if a fetus could not survive outside the womb because of medical issues. For incest, 81 percent of voters polled said abortion should be legal.”

    “When it comes to IVF (in vitro fertilization), 87 percent of Tennessee voters believe this route to pregnancy should be legal. This is a five-point increase from the last Vanderbilt Poll six months ago in May 2024. Eighty-eight percent of voters view IVF as morally acceptable (24 percent) or not a moral issue (64 percent).”

  4. David H., you facts are wrong. There have been almost 60 million abortions performed since Roe v. Wade. Only half of those women are below the poverty line. In 2021 43% of those who have had an abortion have had one in the past. The number of women who have an abortion do to rape or incest if very very small. I am afraid you fell for rhetoric designed to give an emotional charge to “win” an argument. I do not give a hoot about what a Vanderbilt study says. From the place that performs sex changes on children as a money-maker until they got caught? The college that required students to get an experimental vaccine? Gino’s legislation is bold and smart. The smallest and the most at-risk deserve to be protected by Tennessee. I support Gino’s gifts for being able to take an issue, and logically write laws that will stand up now, but in the future. Our society needs to return to families being in the center. This is a great start. Can’t wait to see what else he is planning. Team Gino 100%.

  5. B. Starling, your facts are wrong and you ignore facts to try to force your religious views on people. That will lose votes and is the wrong thing to do. I’ll oppose
    Gino and anyone else who would force a raped girl to have a rapist’s baby.
    Give some facts and a source. I think this is correct > “When asked if abortion should be legal in cases of rape, 82 percent of registered voters said yes – the same figure for if a fetus could not survive outside the womb because of medical issues. For incest, 81 percent of voters polled said abortion should be legal.”

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