Delusional Thinking (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

I Believe The Progressive Democrats And Biden Are Wreaking Havoc In Our Country And Around The World. The Border Is A Disaster, The Cost Of Everything Has Gone Up, Crime Is Everywhere, People Won’t Work And Expect A Handout, Wars Rage On Dark Brandon’s Watch, Anti-Semitism Rages On College Campuses And Mental Illness, As Well As Drugs, Has Led To Homelessness. It Is Obvious, Biden Is Not Up To The Task Of Leading The Country.

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Forecasting (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

I Was A Pretty Good Doc In My Day And Part Of That Was Prognostication. I May Not Be As Insightful As A Forecaster Of National Affairs, But I’m Working, Writing And Praying To Hopefully Make A Difference For My Country, Kids And Grandkids. Past Generations Fought For Me, And Now It’s Our Time To Stand. I’m Not A Meteorologist, But I’ll Claim The Title Of Forecaster To Predict The “Storms” Ahead.

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Cultural Marxism (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

I Admit My Bias. I Reject Marxism In All Its Iterations. I Am An American And A Christian, But Neither Plays A Role In My Rejection Of Hamas’ Savagery Against Civilized Mankind. To Paraphrase Paul, I Will Speak The Truth, Fight The Good Fight, Keep The Faith And Finish The Race No Matter The Consequences. Join Me In This Struggle Against Cultural Marxism And The Devilish Forces Of Darkness.

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Potpourri – “It’s Not About Left And Right, But Right And Wrong.”(Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

Americans Certainly Didn’t Need Another Point Of Disagreement. However, This Overt Racism And Bigotry May Be The Wake-Up Call We Needed. Leftists, Across The Country And Around The World, Have Linked Arms With Hamas, BLM And Antifa Types To Rail Against Americanism, Jews And Anyone Who Opposes Their Neo-Marxist Ideology. And Progressive Democrats Just Exploit Any Controversy That Furthers Their Power.

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Civil Disobedience (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

We Are In Danger Of Losing America. This Pains Me And Is Driving Me Towards Passive Resistance And Civil Disobedience. It Worked For Gandhi And MLK. “Just Say No” Is A Proven Strategy. I Am Adding This To My List Of Things We Can Do To Correct The Disaster Of The Biden Presidency. To Reiterate: We Must Vote, We Can Boycott, You Should Obey The Law, But Hold Accountable Those Who Unjustly Apply It. And We Must Be Courageous And Challenge The Misinformed By Refusing To Accept Their False Narratives, Even If This Threatens Friendships.

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American Kudzu (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

Unfortunately, We Have Political Kudzu In America. It Is My Hope That People Wise Up That The Potemkin President And The Progressive-Democrats, Driven By AOC Leftists, Are Destroying The Country. The Democrats Have No Positive Accomplishments And Are Running On The Trump-Derangement Syndrome. Make No Mistake, If The Government Can Destroy President Trump, They Can Come After You If You Challenge The Washington DC System As President Trump Did. However, In This Time Of Crisis, I Am Comforted By Reports That The “Silent Majority” Is Awakening And Millennial Men Are Increasingly Conservative. Join Me In My Pledge To Vote Against Every Democrat At The National, State And Local Level. We Must Remove These People From Power So That We The People Can Begin To Repair The Damage They Have Orchestrated.

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Fifth Column (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

Part Of The Solution To Our Problems Is Identification Of Leftists And Their Agenda. We Also Must Have The Courage To Stand Up And Say, “No!” To The Lies Of, For Instance, “Bidenomics.” And There Are So Many Other Lies And Lunacies. Folks, Sex Is Biological. That’s Science. Gender Is A Social Construct. And Listening To A Child Who Wants Gender Reassignment Surgery Is As Perverse As Abortion Up To The Time Of Birth.

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Mopery Or Felony (Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

I’m Done Listening To Liberal Elites, Socialists And The AOCs Of The World Because Their Track Record Throughout History Is One Of Destruction. I’m Done Being Civil To The Uninformed And The Quislings Who Vote For Those Who Threaten Our Country And My Family. I Don’t Hate These People Who Hate Me. I Just Want Them Removed From Power, And Their Ability To Hurt Others Taken Away.

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