3 States Join Tennessee, Virginia’s Antitrust Lawsuit Against NCAA NIL Rules

Florida, New York And The District Of Columbia Joined The Antitrust Case From Tennessee And Virginia Against The National Collegiate Athletic Association On Wednesday.

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States Receive 14-Day Block Against NCAA Transfer, Retaliation Rule

A Federal Judge In West Virginia Ordered A 14-Day Temporary Restraining Order Against The NCAA’s Transfer Rule. The TRO Comes As A Result Of An Antitrust Lawsuit, Brought By Tennessee And Six Other States, Against The NCAA Contesting The Organization’s Rule Barring Athletes From Competing Immediately After A Second Transfer.

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Tennessee Joins Antitrust Lawsuit Against NCAA

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti Is Joining Six Other States In Filing A Federal Antitrust Lawsuit On Behalf Of The State Of Tennessee, Challenging The National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Transfer Eligibility Rule In Order To Stop Unlawful Conduct That Harms Both Collegiate Athletes In Tennessee And Consumers Of Tennessee College Sports.

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