The Great Reset: Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD

You May Not Have Heard Of Klaus Schwab, But You Need To Know About This Dangerous Globalist. He Is The “Founder And Executive Chairman Of The World Economic Forum.” Klaus And His Elitist Buds Fly On Their Corporate Jets To Davos, Switzerland Every Year To Hobnob And Determine The New World Order. Schwab Said The Covid Pandemic Is An Opportunity To Institute A Great Reset Of The World Order. Remember What Democrat Rahm Emanuel Once Said: “Never Waste A Crisis.”

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Dr. Jill Biden? Critics Of Op-Ed Often Omit The Title

A recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal sparked a heated debate over the use of the title “Dr.” by future First Lady Jill Biden, suggesting that only medical doctors should be accorded this courtesy title. Other News Outlets Called The Wall Street Journal Called Out For Sexism. Yet a closer look at their own practices shows a stark gap between rhetoric and reality.

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Chattanoogans Fearful To Speak Out Against City’s Discriminatory Hiring Plan

New Plan has goal of awarding more City business based upon the race or gender of the business owner. Many local contractors feel that using race and gender as a determining factor for hiring is the very definition of racism and/or sexism.

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