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The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
As children prepare to return to school in the next few weeks, the Tennessee Department of Health is urging parents to make sure their children are up-to-date on their vaccinations.
Several vaccines are required by the department for all children enrolled in school or child care, including measles, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and polio.
“A vaccine is something that causes your body to create its own immune response. So the next time you’re exposed to a disease, a germ, your body recognizes it and says send out the troops we need to protect you,” said Dena Mashburn, director of nursing at the Knox County Health Department.
There is a set of required shots for preschool which most babies receive in their first few months of life. There are also required boosters for students enrolling in kindergarten and seventh grade.
The Tdap vaccine is required for children in school and is also highly recommended by the Department of Health for new parents and families to protect from whooping cough, according to Mashburn.
“Little children can be at a great risk for that,” she said. “Whooping cough can really affect young infants before they’re able to be vaccinated.”
The Tdap vaccine reportedly also protects against tetanus, which can be fatal. A booster is recommended for adults every ten years.
“A lot of these vaccines, for example, polio, we don’t see very much of at all anymore in the world and that’s because we’ve protected ourselves against them using the vaccines,” said Mashburn.
An immunization certification is required by schools in the state of Tennessee. However, parents can apply for certain exemptions for medical and religious reasons.
6 Responses
Yes, the TN DOH encouraged everyone to get the CV “vaccine” and look how that turned out!
Ain’t it amazing the Amish/Mennonites survive and prosper without lucifer’s pharma’s “help”.
So no one has seen Robert Kennedy Jr’s interviews where he states with proof that NONE of the childhood vaccines have been tested prior to release!? Or Dr. Peter McCullough’s interviews where he states that we now have medicine for ALL those shots. The people running TNDH are either ignorant or bought by Pharma otherwise they would be asking the tough questions like “Why haven’t any of these vaccines been put through the same requirements as any other drug that comes to market. So what about all those poor kids they trafficked across the border this past year? Are they going to have to take all those poisonous shots to get into our school system? Why have we gone from 1 in 10,000 having autism to 1 in 32 children having autism? Doctors unfortunately are indoctrinated not educated. is something we’ll worth looking into. Named by NASA in the 80’s suppressed by Pharma and traitorous FDA every since!
Consider the daily diet of the Amish & Mennonite communities as compared to most of ours..
Start there.
I recall standing in line for the Polio vaccine as a child. Government and media had our parents scared half to death.
The number of vaccines has increased over the years and are compressed together to such a short time frame it’s frightening.
Parents are not informed as to the efficacy and ingredients of these miracle jabs.
If one would accomplish enough research for just one series of shots, we’d probably put a stop to it.
Is worth the time to view.
“A lot of these vaccines, for example, polio, we don’t see very much of at all anymore in the world and that’s because we’ve protected ourselves against them using the vaccines,” said Mashburn.”
I will give Mashburn the benefit of the doube as that somehow as a “health professional” she is unaware of the Gates Foundation, India and the redefining of paralysis caused by taking the “polio vaccine” is no longer considered polio.
“Without the polio vaccine, my child’s life-destroying paralysis courtesy of depopulator Bill Gates would have been so much worse?” – said nobody.
Pushing the unfounded medical narrative. Guess who funds medical schools? PHARMACEUTICAL companies owned by Rockefeller, who owns the medical schools…