Warner Introduces VOTE Act To Determine 2020 Election Accuracy (Update 1/24/22)

Warner Introduces VOTE Act To Determine 2020 Election Accuracy (Update 1/24/22)

Warner Introduces VOTE Act To Determine 2020 Election Accuracy (Update 1/24/22)

*** Update 1/24/22 – this bill was Withdrawn by the sponsor on 1/19/22. We reached out to Representative Warner to find out why and he told us the bill will be refiled with a new version soon. Warner said, “Many of our conservative peers were concerned with the section that allowed for the committee members of the new Gov Ops Subcommittee to be selected solely by leadership. Therefore a new version is being drafted and will be filed soon. The new version will be carried by Senator Bowling as well.” ***

Photo Credit: State Representative Todd Warner / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

State Representative Todd Warner (R – Chapel Hill) has filed House Bill 1714, the Verify Our Tennessee Elections (VOTE) Act.

Should this bill become law, it would require Tennessee county election commissions to conduct a thorough investigation and review of ballots and equipment from the 2020 general election. The purpose of the bill is to determine the accuracy of election results for the United States presidential and congressional elections in Tennessee. 

In collaboration with the secretary of state, each county election commission would be required to investigate the 2020 Tennessee general election results for president and U.S. congress. 

The bill also creates an ad hoc election integrity subcommittee of the joint government operations committees of the house and senate.

The subcommittee is to be composed of six members chosen from the members of the joint government operations committee. Three are to be selected by the senate speaker and the other three selected by the house speaker. Each speaker will also designate a co-chair from among their selected members to serve on the subcommittee.

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Each county election commission would be required to perform:

(1) A forensic audit of each ballot available for review from the 2020 general election;

(2) A complete canvassing of each ballot for purposes of confirming the vote tallies for each race; and

(3) A thorough review of the chain of custody for ballots, ballot boxes, and voting machines and equipment.

The bill would require the cooperation of all election officials with their respective county election commission in order to meet established deadlines.  

An election official who does not cooperate with the investigation in a timely manner will be ordered to comply by a writ of mandamus from the appropriate district attorney general.


A series of deadlines are written into the bill.

June 1st, 2022: Findings of each county must be reported to the secretary of state. 

June 10th, 2022: The secretary of state will then take the county reports and make a final report, submitting it to the ad hoc election integrity subcommittee.

June 17th, 2022: After the final report is submitted by the secretary of state, the joint government operations committee will call a meeting of the ad hoc subcommittee as soon as is practicable, who will then evaluate the report and submit its findings to the joint government operations committee. 

June 24, 2022: The joint government operations committee will then review the report and findings of the subcommittee. 

July 1st, 2022: Joint government operations committee will report to the governor and speakers of the house and senate.

Warner’s bill is not the only bill that has been introduced into the current general session that pertains to elections. House Bill 1662, sponsored by Rep. Bruce Griffey (R – Paris) seeks to establish a verifiable paper trail for every ballot cast in the Volunteer state. 


About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at paula@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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6 Responses

  1. I love it!!!

    This investigation will put bed any doubt in Tennessee that the Votes were Corrupted and if so by how much and how before the Law of Retainer runs up. We should strongly support T. Warner HB 1714 and B. Griffey HB 1662 if we want to sleep the Night of Nov 8, 2022.

  2. The General Assemble also needs to put the “fire” under county election Commission’s to enforce The National Voter Registration Act of 1973 which allows local commissions to remove the dead, bad addresses, etc., up to ninety (90) days before elections

  3. Great concept but sadly this would be almost a complete waste of time at this stage. Voting machine vendors like Dominion have been updating software and maybe even reimaging machines after the election. We need to focus on secure hand marked ballots with advanced watermarking technology and hand marked voting in elections and a verified hand count (like most of Western Europe). Voting machines will never be secure. At this point all US voting machines are certified against a 2005! (pre-smart phone) cybersecurity standard. 25% of TN counties still have voting machines running on Windows 7…

  4. This is a massive waste of time. What exactly is he trying to accomplish with this legislation? There is no evidence of voting irregularities in the 2020 election in Tennessee. I’d like to hear from the SOS on this.

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