Senator Ferrell Haile Caught On Camera Defending Puberty Blockers

Puts To Rest Objections His Bill Was Misunderstood.

Chris Spencer For State Senate Press Release –

HENDERSONVILLE, TN:  For months now, the Chris Spencer For State Senate Campaign has been sounding the alarm against sitting Senator Ferrell Haile’s legislative record, especially his support of SB126, which allowed the continued application of hormone-blocking agents to minors as young as nine years old. 

“Haile and his surrogates have flooded the market with denials that the bill actually was intended to do that.“ said Spencer following a meeting with his Campaign Team. “In recent weeks, supporters have gone to local print media and blasted away at me for ‘misunderstanding’ the bill that was passed and signed by the Governor.” 

The Spencer campaign has already dealt with the matter of Senate Republican support of this hideous legislation, referring to Senator Janice Bowling’s letter describing her belief that she and her colleagues were misled on the legislation and that Haile, Vice-Chair of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, shut her Amendment down when she attempted to reverse the intent of this bill.  Further conversations with Republican Senators yielded obvious confusion and discontent with Haile for misleading them and professed apologies for supporting the bill. 

And now, comes the video evidence (Link Here) that Vanderbilt’s behavior was in line with Haile’s intent.  In the attached video, Haile is seen at the last reading before the Senate declaring in finality, “This bill codifies what the medical folks say is already the Standard of Practice.” And Vanderbilt Medical Center proceeded with Haile’s permission to harm children until called out by Matt Walsh. 

“Those are Haile’s words,” said Spencer,“ not mine.  If some want to continue to fantasize about what Haile did, let them.  But I will not stand by and let this deception continue. Either Haile did not know what he was saying and doing or, he is now trying to furiously backpeddle and gaslight voters into believing that what they see and hear is not true.  Our voters are smarter than that.” 

“The proof of the embarrassment of the Senate Republican Caucus is that they all tried to cover themselves by repealing SB126 with the very first bill of 2023, SB0001, filed by Majority Leader Jack Johnson.” 

Haile will be the guest at the Sumner County Republican Party gathering this Saturday, June 8, so voters have an opportunity to come and ask him to defend this horrendous legislation and many other missteps that Haile has made in his legislative history. 

One thought on “Senator Ferrell Haile Caught On Camera Defending Puberty Blockers

  • June 10, 2024 at 8:58 pm

    Haile’s one of lucifer’s smooth talking TN RINOs. Hope there’s enough listening in his district to make a better choice.


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