Campaign Finance Appointee Tom Lawless Wants State Regulating Conservative Groups In Tennessee

Senate Republican Caucus Appointee Tom Lawless Wants The State To Monitor And Control Conservative Groups In Tennessee. Over The Last Ten Years, Lawless Has Been An Influential Member Of The Tennessee Registry Of Election Finance While Gaining A Reputation For Going After Conservatives Who Challenge The GOP Establishment.

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“Gun Reform” PAC Donates $35K To Tennessee RINO Leadership

The Gun-Reform Group Voices For A Safer Tennessee Donated About $60,000 To State Lawmakers Ahead Of This Year’s Election, With Around 80% Of The Money Going To Republicans Including House Speaker Cameron Sexton, Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Majority Leader William Lamberth, Senate Caucus Chair Ken Yager And State Reps. Andrew Farmer, Mark White And John Gillespie.

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Senator Ferrell Haile Caught On Camera Defending Puberty Blockers

For Months Now, The Chris Spencer For State Senate Campaign Has Been Sounding The Alarm Against Sitting Senator Ferrell Haile’s Legislative Record, Especially His Support Of SB126, Which Allowed The Continued Application Of Hormone-Blocking Agents To Minors As Young As Nine Years Old.

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Bail Industry Gears Up For Battle Over Next Tennessee Constitutional Amendment

Tennessee’s Top Lawmakers And The Bail Industry Are On A Collision Course In 2025 As The Legislature Renews Debate On A Constitutional Amendment Designed To Keep More Criminal Suspects In Jail Until They Go To Court.

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RINOs Rally Behind Establishment Candidate Tom Hatcher

Based On Campaign Contributions, Establishment Republicans Have A Clear Favorite In The Pool Of Candidates For Tennessee’s District 2 Senate Seat.

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Tennessee Bill Preventing Credit Card Codes For Firearms Store Sales Signed Into Law

Credit Card Companies And Banks In Tennessee Cannot Use A Separate Code To Designate Sales At Firearms Retailers In The State After Gov. Bill Lee Signed A Bill Into Law.

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Death Penalty For Child Rape In Tennessee Advances To Becoming State Law

This Week, A Bill That Would Allow The Application Of The Death Penalty For The Crime Of Rape Of A Child In The State Of Tennessee Has Moved Closer To Becoming Law.

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As Tennessee Legislators Continue To Debate $1.5B Franchise Tax Rebate, Records Indicate Most Money Will Go Out-Of-State

New Records Indicate That The $1.9 Franchise Tax Change Being Finalized During The General Session Was Initiated By Requests From 24 Businesses, And, If Approved, Most Of That Money Would Not Even Stay In Tennessee.

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