Moms For Liberty Wilson County Responds To Media’s Assertion That Book Challenges Slow The Efficiency Of The School Board

In response to a piece written by the Wilson Post Editorial Board that can be read HERE.

Image Credit: Google Maps

By Amanda Price [Chair, Moms for Liberty Wilson County, TN] –

It is my hope that the Wilson Post Editorial Board will carefully consider the following in relation to the official opinion of Main Street Media of Tennessee regarding citizen commentary during Wilson County School Board meetings. 

“The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and the freedom to address government bodies with grievances. It does not guarantee efficiency.”

Implying inefficiency in relation to the First Amendment implies waste. It appears that the Wilson Post Editorial Board is equating their particular set of values for individual speech in Wilson County with the freedom to speak as a whole. This is a very dangerous and costly mistake. 

Most would agree that individual speech is cheapened (or “inefficient” as the Wilson Post suggests) when we merely react before understanding all sides of the argument. However, the Wilson Post now appears to feel justified in applying their assessment of what they consider to be valuable speech as grounds for limiting speech during open meetings. It is no longer enough that said speech aligns with the WCS agenda, it should now also align with the Wilson Post agenda and priorities. These are the very same gradual and silent encroachments on freedom that James Madison warned us about. 

Longer times for citizen commentary can certainly be inconvenient to those who disagree with the content of the commentary or to those who simply have other priorities. While inefficiency is certainly inconvenient, inconvenience is not the same as inefficiency. We would do well to understand the difference. I would suggest the policies surrounding citizen commentary are not inefficient. The procedure in Wilson County for formal book reviews, as recommended by the non- governmental organization, the American Library Association, is inefficient for the severity of the amount of the extreme sexually explicit material currently in Wilson County.

Open meetings ensure that all viewpoints are heard as some may not have the ability to send emails. Many emails can easily be swept under the rug or go unanswered. Furthermore, open meetings are particularly important in relation to the first two prongs of the three-pronged Miller Test for obscenity. The citizens of Wilson County must work together in accordance with the Miller Test to establish community standards that will be applied to Wilson County students.


“Many of the speakers appear at each meeting, usually reading passages from books which they describe as obscene and pornographic.”

By failing to mention the other speakers who have taken comparable time during citizen commentary to support the distribution of extreme sexual content to minors, the Wilson Post has demonstrated clear bias on this subject.

Seeing reading materials receive 25% of the meeting’s time lessens the discussion time for the other issues.”

The Wilson County School Board has no stated or required end time. Therefore, every item on the agenda has sufficient time to be addressed regardless of citizen commentary should members of the school board be committed to do so. 

“(The First Amendment)…has provided a brick wall in the decision-making path of the Wilson County Schools board.

This is a non sequitur. If the Wilson Post has evidence to suggest that other issues are not addressed or that decisions are not being made due to citizen commentary, the Wilson Post would do well to present that evidence to their readers when they make such a claim. 

“…the school board has other important issues to tackle — overcrowding, new school buildings, funding for facility maintenance, transportation, and teacher salaries and retention.”

These are all important issues that do warrant extensive discussion but such issues shall not infringe on the First Amendment rights of citizens who wish to use the allotted time to air grievances about the distribution of extreme sexually explicit content to minors with taxpayer funds. 

“The school district already has two acceptable remedies in place – a book screening committee that makes recommendations to the board and a Mature Reading List that makes any questionable book available only to students whose parents have electronically notified the school to allow the student access.”

The book review committee consists primarily of unelected Wilson County School employees. Some feel this allows too much room for bias and conflict of interest that may hinder the book review committee from establishing a community standard that accurately represents the taxpayers of Wilson County. 

The Mature Reading List is certainly a step in the right direction for parents who wish to have control over the extreme sexually explicit content offered to their children. This is content which WCS has apparently distributed to students for decades in some cases without parental knowledge or consent and without accountability or reprimand. WCS has set an example with the Mature Reading List that has caught the attention of school districts across the nation. However, suggesting that the MRL is the final solution to the problem is committing a fallacy of middle ground. 

Much of the time the truth does indeed lie between two extreme points, but this can bias our thinking: sometimes a book is harmful and a compromise of it is also harmful. Just because a parent gives consent for their child to have access to sexually explicit materials doesn’t mean that the content is not harmful or illegal according to current laws. We must not allow fear of controversy to drive Wilson County Schools to turn the Mature Reading List into an obscenity protection list. Taxpayers must now accept the inconvenient truth that they have funded erotic literature (such as the Court of Thorns and Roses series) for minors that remains accessible on the MRL at the recommendation of the book review committee. This alone should cause anyone to question the judgment and mission of the book review committee. 

The Mature Reading List also gives parents a false sense of security as many books with sexually explicit content remain on shelves unrestricted and unrated, prohibiting the full informed consent of parents. Over 100 books with extreme sexually explicit content comparable to a rated R movie are currently on library shelves in Wilson County schools. Many of which have not been read by the librarian before being placed on the shelf, according to former Zone 4 Representative Linda Armistead. If students are not allowed to view a rated R movie at school without parental knowledge or consent, the same should apply to books with similar content. 

Three years ago, the WCS board decided that parents are the only ones qualified to make health decisions for their children, so mask mandates during a pandemic were unnecessary. Now, parents are told that the seven members of the school board, instead of parents, are the only ones qualified to make the decisions about what books will be available to students. That seems like an illogical shift that adds to the inefficiency.

Does the Wilson Post believe that the book review committee and mature reading list abdicate the elected officials of the Wilson County School Board from their role alongside parents and teachers in establishing a community standard as listed in TCA 49-6-3803 (3)(c)?


While it is true that parents maintain the right to make health decisions for their children and the right to decide what books their children can read, they do not have the right to expect schools to violate WCS policies and obscenity laws on behalf of their children. The Wilson Post would do well to remember that WCS policies become arbitrary when students cannot access (4.406), create (6.704) or speak (Category 1-10, WCS 2021-2022 student handbook) the very same content some parents may demand that they read at school.

Rather than gradually encroaching on the freedoms of Wilson County citizens by limiting their right to air grievances in an open meeting, perhaps an emergency provision is in order.  Is there not some way to fairly and legally fast track the procedure in the event that such a magnitude of extreme sexual content is discovered and contested?

With current policies in place, formal book reviews cannot be accomplished without years of inconvenience in school board meetings.

16 thoughts on “Moms For Liberty Wilson County Responds To Media’s Assertion That Book Challenges Slow The Efficiency Of The School Board

  • November 16, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    Everyone should unsubscribe from the Wilson Post. Wilson County needs to replace all the Libs on the School Board. Thanks to Moms for Liberty.

    • November 19, 2023 at 6:14 pm

      No, they are a terrible organization that has been labeled a hate group.

      • November 20, 2023 at 3:28 am

        It’s interesting how the SPLC tricked you into equating “anti-government” with hate by pairing the two on a single map. If you truly supported parent rights, you would find this concerning. They have yet to demonstrate how pushing back against government overreach is anti-government.

        • November 26, 2023 at 3:41 pm

          The wild part is you run the Mom’s for liberty terrorist organization. Funny you pretend you do nothing wrong. We all see your words. Many of us know your next meeting is at Generation changers church, proof that cult church is pushing extremism. They’ve been reported to the government as well.

          • November 27, 2023 at 1:39 am

            Bobby, the wild part is that you’ve ascribed to a definitional shift of the term “terrorist” that implicates most everyone, including yourself. If you have evidence that I’ve committed a crime, I suggest you share it to avoid libel. I stand by my words. Your attempt at political warfare nullification is a common extremist tactic that only validates everything I’ve said.

        • November 27, 2023 at 7:21 pm

          Oh hunny, no one needs to “avoid libel” with you. Yes, you’re a TERRORIST and should be treated as such. Fascism is terrorism. Cry Amanda, we all see you post these screenshots in the group. You brainwashed clowns talk about how you can ban books because your love for fascism has overtaken your common sense. Suck an egg, or worse.

        • November 28, 2023 at 12:06 pm

          Where did you go Amanda? Funny you removed an account yesterday, you didn’t remove mine. You got to search harder.

      • November 20, 2023 at 3:49 am

        Interesting how the SPLC tricked you into equating “anti-government” with hate by putting both on the same map. If you really cared about parent rights, you’d find this concerning. They have yet to demonstrate how pushing back against government overreach by engaging in civic duties is “anti-government.”

  • November 16, 2023 at 6:59 pm

    Wilson Co Post has never seen fit to publish the questionable book passages in their paper. Why not?

    • November 18, 2023 at 2:46 pm

      Likely because they are not fit to print for viewing by the public. I’ve seen numerous videos recently from across the country of parents attempting to read passages to the school board from books in the school library that explicitly described sexual acts. They were either thrown out of the meeting or directed to stop reading the filth and sit down. If it’s unfit for school board members, why on earth would any logical person think it was acceptable for young minds?

    • November 19, 2023 at 6:16 pm

      Why have 99% of book challenger not even bothered to read the books they challenge?

      Why have they challenged books that were no in our school libraries?

      Why are the majority of challengers those who do not have a single student or grandchild in our school system?

      • November 20, 2023 at 3:43 am

        Why have 99% of the books not been read by the librarians before being placed on the shelves for minors? Seems like a double standard.

        Why did the Principal of GHHS flat out deny Sex Plus was ever in circulation when it showed in circulation several weeks earlier and there is a purchase order on file? Further questions on the matter were ignored. I suppose people are allowed to make mistakes sometimes.

        Why are residents to be excluded from discussions surrounding the compelling interest of public health and how taxes are spent?

        • November 21, 2023 at 4:40 am

          You’ve stated you haven’t read the books you challenged. Why do you claim superior claims?

          • November 22, 2023 at 1:25 am

            Jane, your “superior claim” question isn’t clear. Why is it ok for librarians to forego reading books and distribute them to minors based on reviews but it is not ok for someone to forego reading the book and request a formal review based on extreme sexually explicit excerpts from the book? That is special pleading and unreasonable.

    • November 24, 2023 at 7:06 pm

      Because they cannot publish them without breaking the law, and they know it!!!

  • November 27, 2023 at 4:57 pm

    Educators have forced the issue. There are volumes of books they choose not to put in curriculum and libraries. They chose the pornographic books, the only real forum is the open meetings. The only way to hold elected representatives feet the fire.
    We have video of national conferences where educators are taught how to evade their states laws when it comes to raw sex education and woke issues. We are done being pushed around by their relativistic bayonets.


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