Tennessee Bill That Would Make Abortion Trafficking Of Minors A Felony Passes Subcommittee (Update 2.19.24)

Tennessee Bill That Would Make Abortion Trafficking Of Minors A Felony Passes Subcommittee (Update 2.19.24)

Tennessee Bill That Would Make Abortion Trafficking Of Minors A Felony Passes Subcommittee (Update 2.19.24)

***Update 2.19.24 – HB1892 has been placed on the calendar for the House Health Committee for 2/21/24. To voice your support or opposition to the bill, find the committee members contact info HERE and contact them prior to the meeting.***

Image Credit: capitol.tn.gov

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes –

A Tennessee bill that would make abortion trafficking of minors a felony offense passed by a voice vote yesterday afternoon in the House Population Health Subcommittee led by Chair Michele Carringer (R-Knoxville-District 16.)

Sponsored by Representative Jason Zachary (R-Knoxville-District 14), House Bill 1895 (HB1895) will go next to the full House Health Committee.

Zachary, who reiterated that his bill is a “parental rights bill,” said that his intent was to “protect every life, and every unborn child” but acknowledged that parents or legal guardians would be exempt from the law.

Despite questioning from Representative John Ray Clemmons (D-Nashville-District 55), it remains unclear if minor females under the custody of the state would be able to get an out-of-state abortion.

Zachary shared the story of a constituent and father whose pregnant 14-year-old daughter was coerced by an adult into taking a trip across the state without the permission of her parents, and ultimately across state lines around 18 months ago to get an abortion against their wishes. 

Distraught, the father had asked Zachary what could be done to stop it, after receiving a call from his daughter that the adult she was traveling with intended to take her out of Tennessee to end the life of her unborn child. “I made call, after call, after call,” said Zachary. “And there was nothing I could do to stop it.”

The proposed law would charge adults with a Class C felony who assist minor females in obtaining an out-of-state abortion without parental consent. 

For the voice vote in the House Population Health Subcommittee, Nashville Democrats John Ray Clemmons (District 55) and Caleb Hemmer (District 59) requested to have their votes counted as No.

The corresponding Senate Bill 1971 sponsored by Senator Paul Rose (R-Covington-District 32) has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee but has yet to be scheduled.

If made law, those who assist in taking pregnant girls out of the state to get an abortion could also face civil charges from the teenage mother, her parents or the unborn child’s biological father unless the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. 

You can reach Paula at paula@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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One Response

  1. This is great

    Is it possible to make a law prohibiting taking minors out of state for transgender surgeries and/or hormonal treatment.

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