State Senator Mark Pody Promises Legislation To Enable Tennessee To Protect Itself From Reach Of The WHO

State Senator Mark Pody Promises Legislation To Enable Tennessee To Protect Itself From Reach Of The WHO

State Senator Mark Pody Promises Legislation To Enable Tennessee To Protect Itself From Reach Of The WHO

Image Credit: Mark Pody / Facebook & Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

Last session the Tennessee General Assembly drafted and passed Senate Joint Resolution SJR1135, which stated,  “General Assembly, Statement of Intent or Position – Opposes the United States’ participation in the World Health Organization Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response Accord.” 

The resolution sponsored by Senator Mark Pody, established among other things that the WHO has “proven itself to be a corrupt organization,” “has a history of mismanagement and scandals, including the Ebola viral outbreak,” and is “an opaque organization unaccountable to the United States government, despite receiving between $200 and $600 million annually in U.S. taxpayer subsidies over the past decade.”

It also acknowledges that the WHO “has chosen to place in positions of leadership on its Executive Board representatives of such extreme authoritarian regimes as the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Syrian Arab Republic, and Belarus, in complete disregard of the human rights abuses regularly committed by these regimes.”

The deadline for what was called a “pandemic treaty,” that loomed for early summer this year, has passed without a treaty being put in place, mainly due to pressure from citizens around the world pushing back on what was viewed as an unmitigated attack on individual freedom. 

According to this website, “At the World Health Assembly in June, right down to the last minute, countries were trying to see if they could come to an agreement and adopt this treaty. When they realized they couldn’t, they decided that they wouldn’t end the negotiation process. Instead, they would extend it for up to another year at the next WHA in May 2025 or, if they can come to an agreement earlier, convene a special session of the WHA later this year.” 

This means that every country, including the United States, still has to be concerned that the federal government will agree to tyrannical measures that restrict the movement and access of its citizens, based on orders from The World Health Organization. 

As Americans are aware, this is a presidential election year, and should former President Trump prevail, it is very likely the U.S. will not only not agree to any kind of “pandemic treaty” but pull out of the WHO all together. President Trump, in his first term, observed the organization being entirely too close to China for his comfort. 

SJR1135 that passed in the General assembly also dictates that WHO officials were complicit with the Chinese government in “preventing international understanding of the virus and its effects” in the beginning stages of Covid-19, as well as in “covering up the virus’s origins.”

However, despite the likelihood of another Trump presidential term, legislators here in Tennessee have been preparing another solution, based on the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. 

According to reports, Senator Mark Pody says that he is working on legislation that would enable the state of Tennessee, based on our states’ rights in the constitution, to separate ourselves from any attempt the federal government would make to bind the United States into any sort of agreement that would infringe on citizens constitutional rights.

Pody recently stated, “We’re going to be drafting a piece of legislation saying that no matter what the World Health Organization says, we don’t want them to have any binding or legal authority here in Tennessee. I’ve got to tell you, constitutionally just looking at the 10th Amendment, I don’t see where the president can do an executive order to authorize a foreign entity to tell us what our health should be. That’s not right.” 

Pody’s bill would be an additional effort to protect Tennesseans from what he characterizes as “federal overreach.” 

Pody has indicated that he is working with legislative counsel to ensure the strength of the bill, and that it is based on the premise that the states created the federal government, and not the other way around. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Teller and is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at

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3 Responses

  1. Thanks for this article. I wrote my State Senator asking him to support this legislation. His assistant email and said that he supported it in the last session. But, she did not indicate where he stood on the future legislation, nor our federal tax payer funding of the corrupt WHO. Another great reason to elect Donald Trump, hopefully, he’ll require them to be accountable to the American taxpayer and Congress or cut our funding of this anti-freedom, elite ruling class, new world order supporting WHO!

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