Ahhh, Tennessee… The Misconception About Voter Integrity

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Ahhh, Tennessee… The Misconception About Voter Integrity

Image Credit: canva

Submitted Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –

The push for illegals, NON-CITIZENS, to vote in our elections is out in the open. The Marxist Junta in DC clearly says the invaders should have the right to vote. Our Constitution be damned.

As you read this, the illegal invaders are being registered at breakneck speed in every state. I contacted several Governors in several states, including Tennessee, to ask if they had any plans to prevent it. Of course, I heard back from NONE.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, TN Elections officials sent a letter to 14,000+ registered voters in the state, asking for proof of citizenship.

The letters, dated June 13, warned that it is illegal in Tennessee for non-citizens to vote and provided instructions on how to update voter information. “The list was developed after comparing voter rolls with data from the state Department of Safety and Homeland Security, said Doug Kufner, spokesperson for the Secretary of State’s office, in a statement Tuesday.”

OK, how did they get on the rolls in the first place? How many more are there?

That June 13 date is just 6 weeks before the 90-day cut-off on national voter roll maintenance, whereafter no names can be removed. Kind of late, Mr. Kufner. Frighteningly late for the citizens of Tennessee.

If the state of TN knew of over 14,000 registered voters on the rolls whose citizenship could be questioned on June 13, 2024, how long had they known?

Was the letter just sent to pacify the public?

Of course, the Lefties got all fluffed up and whined about the letters. Tough. HORRORS! Letters were sent! Their complaints are not considered here. It is about the Constitution, EVERY TIME> NO exceptions. Sorry, liberals. YOU like parts of the document very well, the parts that you believe serve YOUR causes.

The most horrific part of this story is this:

A drivers’ license bureau in McMinn County, TN, has just removed a driving license AND citizenship from a 77-year old US Navy veteran who has lived and worked in this country for 70 years!!

His crime??

He went to renew his drivers license and get a REAL ID. He was born in Canada, of US parents, who soon moved back to the US. He grew up here, served our country in the military, and has been driving a truck for a living for 61 years. Because his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, so is he.

The state didn’t care. TENNESSEE STRIPPED HIM OF HIS LIVELIHOOD AND CITIZENSHIP ON THE SPOT. He left the drivers license office with no license and no way to earn a living. Were they trying to prove how they were protecting our vote? Ha.

I want to hear the Left take HIS side on this.

This article in the Western Journal tells the story.

A vast majority of the citizens of the state think that their state is securely “red” and they don’t have to get involved. Maybe they believe that McMinn County did the right thing. Maybe that makes ‘em feel secure. I would like to believe that people don’t KNOW what their state is doing, rather than not caring or agreeing. But, it’s hard to stay informed if you’re not involved.

Every time a group of erstwhile “conservatives” are shown a way to get involved, to protect their rights and freedom, they demure. Perhaps, a large contingent should be on top of Nashville and the security of our vote. Or, perhaps they think that displays like this one in McMinn County, show that everything is just fine in the Volunteer State.

Let them be warned, Tennessee is far from it. And this innocent citizen was wronged. Blatantly so.

Tennessee is another state whose election management team is appointed rather then elected. Both the SOS, Tre Hargett, and the Election Supervisor, Mark Goins, have been in their same positions for FIFTEEN YEARS.

Mark Goins just spent a year at the head of the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), a federal election oversight group, created to help the feds enforce their election rules, via the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002. He was part of a secret Zoom call on the day of the 2020 election steal; others represented were from liberal states. (FL was represented on the call, but with what we know down there, that is no guarantee of conservative representation.)

Much of the truth of the security of the vote in the Volunteer state is not as advertised. I’ve written on that several times before. Only a few care. I could name them, and want to thank them for their efforts. But, these patriots are shockingly few and far between in a state which considers itself very conservative and pro-American.

I can tell stories of county officials who ignore citizen outreach, and questions. I can tell stories of citizens who wave big Trump signs in their yards but don’t want to get involved by registering to vote. I can tell stories of state officials who display “situational largess”only, (aka professional-level BS shoveling) , when confronted with a legitimate question in public.

None of this matters until the citizens of TN believe that it does, and get off their couches and out the door to help. I pray we still have enough of our Republic left after this coming election, to fight for.

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5 Responses

  1. What can I do? I am worried about this next election. I post everything that I can to let ppl know what’s happening, but few acknowledge it. I’m a 66 year old lady and am interested in being a pill watcher or even carry flags with a group. We did that in that in the 2020 election. Tractor Supply finally moved us because some Democrats complained, I guess. Let me know.

    1. Please let us know in which county you reside. We have Dickson Patriots in Dickson County and I know many other great activist groups throughout the state. All would welcome your involvement if you are a Constitutional Conservative. Dicksonpatriots@gmail.com

  2. All Tre Hargett and Mark Goins have to do is instruct poll workers to check the drivers license for temporary status. That means they are illegal and should not get a ballot, or even for argument sake, only get a provisional ballot. Do they give these instructions to the counties? NO. There is something very strange going on with the election officials and their super secret agenda.

  3. As we all (should) know, in order for one to vote in the state of Tennessee one must be registered to vote. In order to be registered to vote one must first prove citizenship and then pass a criminal background check. Something no illegal immigrant can do. Why? Because they have to have a Social Security number too.

    When I voted today (Sullivan County) they only asked for Drivers Licenses. I took exception with poll watchers and election commission staff. I said “any illegal immigrant can get a drivers license”. The poll worker (nice lady) quietly told me that when they enter your name in the computer, before you get your ballot, the database shows if you’re registered or not. Anyone not registered cannot have a ballot.

    I tend to think that Tennessee voting rules are pretty strict and effective at keeping low-lifes from participating. I’m not an expert. Just stating my experience.

  4. My oldest son was born in Germany while my husband was serving in the army. His birth certificate is actually German. But he has voted since he was 18. This is horrible that McMinn County has denied this man his drivers license and his voting rights. It is legal for children to claim citizenship when born abroad when their parents are United States citizens. Shame on you McMinn County.

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