Senator Marsha Blackburn Doubles Down On Critiques Of China

Senator Marsha Blackburn Doubles Down On Critiques Of China

Senator Marsha Blackburn Doubles Down On Critiques Of China

Image Credit: Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate / YouTube

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

After the release of a new campaign ad drew criticism from left-wing media outlets and activist organizations, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has doubled down on her critiques of China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The ad features Blackburn standing next to a table stacked with plates bearing the emblem of the Chinese flag which she then smashes while highlighting some hot button issues about which she has been outspoken, including the manufacturing deficit in America, the Covid-19 outbreak, China’s acquisition of U.S. land, and spying tactics by the CCP . 

The overall message is a play on the words “Breaking China”, and the commercial concludes with Marsha speaking the tagline, “We’re going to have to break a lot more china to save America.”

Blackburn has maintained her tough-on-China stance throughout her term and it is included as a top issue on her website where she declares her intentions to, “confront China for its pattern of lies and deception,” particularly regarding the CCP’s underhanded response to Covid-19 on a global scale. 

A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy reportedly told Politico the ad was “malicious” and that Blackburn’s criticisms should be construed as “attacks” that fuel hostility towards the Asian and Chinese community in the U.S.”

Blackburn shared the comment and firmly restated her beliefs, “Looks like Communist China got the message: We are not going to tolerate them stealing our jobs, buying up U.S. land, and cheating on trade. Communist China is our greatest national security threat, and it’s time we treat them as such. Like I said, it’s time to start breaking China.”

An article from the Nashville Banner called the ad “inflammatory” and purported that it is responsible for election interference, anti-Asian sentiment, and fearmongering. The story contains several comments from Tennessee citizen activists who critiqued the tone of the ad and claimed Blackburn’s boldness promotes hateful attitudes toward Asian communities which, “stoke fear and divide us.” 

These activists have fought against many bills perceived as pro-American sovereignty in the Tennessee Legislature, including one that prevented certain Chinese entities from owning land in the state. The article also attempts to use these comments to link Donald Trump and his supporters to Project 2025, saying the rhetoric could influence policy despite Trump’s firm denouncement of association with it.

A recently released report by Microsoft states, “Chinese influence operations have focused on down-ballot Republican candidates and members of Congress that advocate for anti-Chinese policies. While not always resulting in high levels of engagement, these efforts demonstrate China’s sustained attempts to influence U.S. politics across the board.” Blackburn is specifically named as a target for the Chinese.

Though they cite this study, the Nashville Banner places the blame for China’s meddling at Blackburn’s feet, claiming her “hostility has spurred campaign interference from China and fear in Tennessee’s Asian community,” implying her critiques of China somehow justify their foreign interference in U.S. elections.

Blackburn is facing off against Democrat Gloria Johnson and is broadly favored to win the November 5th election.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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One Response

  1. Marsha Blackburn once again proves that she is NOT a “PC” politician that elite media members like those at the “provda on the Cumberland” desire….and, we all know she’s right on…CHINA is not ‘playing nice in the sandbox’, like those same naive media members claim. China plays ‘real’ ball for keeps, and they mean us ‘harm’ with every product dump they throw on American consumers, all done with ‘slave labor’. You’d think that Provda on the Cumberland would love politicians brave enough to expose the illegal labor and trade practices of China, but no…they actually ‘believe’ in Communist China! Vote for Marsha Blackburn if you dislike Politically Correct, political double-speak.

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