By Brandon Lewis [Founder of The Tennessee Conservative] –
It is RARE that I will give an “all-hands-on-deck” Call to Action where I want – no absolutely need – your full support and participation. This is one of those times…
For the past 3+ years, the Tennessee Conservative has been the ONLY media outlet in our state telling the TRUTH about rampant illegal immigration… and TNGOP leadership’s stubborn refusal to do anything meaningful about it at the state-level.
We have been a voice crying out in the wilderness.
Even though GOP Primary voters say illegal immigration is the #1 issue that should be tackled at the state-level, our leaders ignore the pleas of those back in their district.
Illegal immigration costs Tennessee taxpayers almost $1 Billion every year… and the number is climbing. Cheap labor drives down wages for blue-collar Tennessee workers.
Every month, violent crimes are committed by illegal aliens in Tennessee.
Our government schools, already struggling academically, are inundated with illegal aliens that take away from the educational experience and resources for our Tennessee kids and grandkids. This alone costs TN taxpayers almost $600,000,000 each year.
Emergency rooms are being used like doctor’s offices, at the expense of taxpayers and insurance premiums. Our criminal justice system strains under the pressure. Our safety nets have become hammocks for people who are not even from our country – much less our state.
The leftist media in TN say that all this is just fine – that there are no negative consequences to our economy, culture, school, jails, hospitals or welfare programs. Yet, you know that is a lie.
Further, the GOP leadership points to Joe Biden, wagging their finger, yet they do nothing to assert our state’s rights on this issue.
AND I NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE IT SUCCESSFUL! Here’s how you can make a difference, before it’s too late.
#1 – I Need You to SHOW UP in Nashville (and Bring a Crowd)
If GOP Primary voters, Conservatives and patriots SAY that illegal immigration is their #1 issue, yet we fail to ACT and build a large crowd, GOP leadership will not believe our will is for real change.
That’s why I need YOU to come to this event personally. Bring a friend, organize a car-pool. Whatever you’ve got to do. Can you help?
#2 – Organizational Leaders, Please Help!
If you’re an organizational leader, please email this information, announce it at meetings, post on it social media and text your entire membership list so we can build a crowd!
Every time a Conservative organization in TN has an event, we run a notice. Now, I need YOU to run a NOTICE for me!
If you think you can bring a BIG CROWD and want to be an organizational sponsor of our event, just email We could use the help!
#3 – POST this INFO Everywhere
If you have a personal or organizational social media account, please SHARE this image and link below:
#4 – If You Can’t Show Up, Pony Up…
As you know, reporting on the General Assembly during the legislative session DRAINS our meager resources. If you are a perennial giver, thank you!
If you’ve never given, NOW is the time to do it and TODAY is your opportunity to walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
If you’ve got a few extra dollars laying around, and stopping illegal immigration is TRULY a priority for you, chip in here. Now.
If We Don’t ACT NOW, We May Be Too Late!
When you look across Western Europe, you can see the ravages of rampant, unchecked illegal immigration. Those countries had a chance to stand up – to demand common sense reforms. They didn’t.
Now, they are living with the consequences.Join me at the “Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally” in Nashville on March 20th at 1PM Central.
Standing in the Gap.
Brandon Lewis
Publisher & Founder, The Tennessee Conservative News