Conservative Community Unites In Celebrating Christ After Pagan Parade Takeover

Conservative Community Unites In Celebrating Christ After Pagan Parade Takeover

Conservative Community Unites In Celebrating Christ After Pagan Parade Takeover

Image Credit: LOFT 218 & Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A conservative community is uniting to celebrate Christ after their city’s Christmas parade planning was overtaken by local pagans.

Following Cookeville Mayor Laurin Wheaton’s strong-arming of local churches into giving up planning the city’s Christmas parade this year, and turning over some of the decision-making to area witches, a group of Christ followers in Cookeville is planning an entirely different event.

Members of eighteen local churches have come together to plan a “birthday party” for Jesus on December 21st in a parking lot on the corner of Walnut and Spring from 6-9 PM.

The family-friendly event celebrating the birth of Christ is the brainchild of local Pastor’s wife Kelly Parkinson who spoke to The Tennessee Conservative on Friday.

Parkinson told us that her family has always had a birthday party for Jesus as part of their Christmas traditions and after recent discouraging events in town, thought about having an even bigger celebration with those of like mind in Cookeville.

Calling it an interdenominational effort, Parkinson said it’s been heartwarming to see the Christian community come together to plan the event.

Parkinson told us that many fun activities are planned for the night, including a time of worship, a presentation of the gospel through a birthday cake for Jesus, bounce houses, games, crafts, and a walk-through live Nativity. 

With the Tennessee Volunteers playing against Ohio State in the College Football Playoff the same night, the first time for Tennessee in the CFB’s 11 years, plans have also been made to air the game during the night’s festivities. 

Rock Castle Emmanuel Church, Praise Cathedral Church of God, Vinebranch Church, Cookeville First Baptist Church, Life Church, The Bend Church, The River Community Church, Stevens Street Baptist Church, Engrafted Word, Cookeville Free Will Baptist Church, First United Pentecostal Church of Cookeville, Caney Fork Baptist Church, Living Hope Church, Scott Avenue Baptist, Hampton’s Crossroads Baptist Church, and Bethlehem Baptist Church in Crossville and other churches and businesses have donated generously to the effort.

Ornaments commemorating what many in the community hope will become an annual tradition are available in town for a minimum $10 donation with funds raised to go to Hurricane Helene victims in East Tennessee. Anyone outside of the area who would like an ornament may get one here.

Getting the word out about the party has been stymied on Facebook with posts about the event declined in both Hip Cookeville and Cookeville Strong groups.

Cookeville witch Emily Woods gave a shout out recently to Raper for helping her advertise her witchy jewelry business on the Hip Cookeville website which is associated with the Facebook group of the same name.

With local “witch” Sam Raper connected to Hip Cookeville, might it be that the President of Cookeville Inclusive is less than inclusive when it comes to faith-based community events?

Caney Fork Baptist Church who created a float for the parade, which has proved to be much smaller than in year’s past, will bring their float to the Happy Birthday Jesus Party as part of the fun.

The parade which was scheduled for Saturday evening was postponed due to weather, and is now set to take place Monday night.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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